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  • Basant Mohamed Gheth Universidad de Málaga Universidad de Al Azhar (Egipto)
Vol. 31 No. 2 (2016), De varia lectio, pages 229-262
Submitted: Feb 4, 2017 Published: Feb 4, 2017


In this paper we adopt the vision of John B. Thompson about the nature of symbolic forms and the importance of hermeneutics as a means of interpreting them. At the same way, we can consider the issue of land in the poetry of José Antonio Muñoz Rojas (Antequera, 1909-2009) as symbolic expression which expresses a social phenomenon of postwar Spain. We refer to the thesis presented by Damaso Alonso (1949 and 1969) and developed by Vicente Aleixandre and other critics of the time respect to “rootedness”. Dialogic hermeneutics exposed by Mauricio Beuchot with its intentional and structural positions, coincide with the issues defended by Thompson on the hermeneutical analysis of symbolic forms, and, in turn, fits into the theories of literary reception.

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