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  • Víctor Lope Salvador Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Vol. 30 (2015): Homenaje a Annie Bussière Perrin, Dossier: Annie Bussière-Perrin, pages 59-97
Submitted: Oct 7, 2015 Published: Oct 7, 2015


We analyze here the short film Le peintre neo-impressionist made in 1910 by Émile Cohl, who was one of the most prominent members of the group of incoherents in the 80s of the XIX century in Paris. The analysis assumes reuse the notion of beseiged eye employed by Annie Bussière-Perrin in his meticulous work about Juan Goytisolo. The siege of the eye of an art buyer facing seven mo- nochrome paintings in which an animated cartoon develop is the core of the film. The art buyer all those pictures that at first had even given her physical discomfort is finally taken. The filmmaker pays tribute to incoherent writer Alphonse Allais who in 1897 published a series of seven monochrome paintings.

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