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  • Norma Alloati Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Vol. 29 (2014): Récits de Voyages et Gender dans Les Amériques (1830-1850) Une Esthétique de l’ambigüité, Dossier, pages 297-334
Submitted: Dec 18, 2014 Published: Dec 18, 2014


In Argentine, Eduarda Mansilla is recognized as the first woman traveler who publishes her experiencies in Recuerdos de viaje (1882). However, in 1850 was edited Memoria del viage a Francia de una argentina de la provincia de Buenos Aires, written by Francisca Espínola de Anastay. The trip of the married couple formed by an Argentine woman and a French man would have been forgotten if she had not decided to share it with her friends and relatives through Memoria a story that can be divided in two significant parts. The first one coincides with the  overseas itinerary, told as a logbook. The second one refers to the journey across the French cities and in both the religiosity of the narrator appears in the agenda that underlies the whole story.

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