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  • Jesús Montoya Juárez Universidad de Granada
Vol. 25 (2010): Estudios teóricos sociocríticos y disciplinares, Aplicaciones sociocríticas y otros estudios, pages 367-398
Submitted: Oct 7, 2014 Published: Oct 7, 2010


Firstly, the aim of this article is to order some of the most important theoretical advances in media theory throughout the nineties which can be useful to understand some of the transformations of literature from our present. These changes do not have to do merely with some formal changes in the format and modes of functioning of the texts (such as those implicated by cybertextuality), but also with the transcription of new media ecologies in literature. Secondly, I would like to propose a corpus of Uruguayan and argentinean texts in which I have tried to read the transcription and awareness of the Second Media age technologies.

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