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  • Genara Pulido Tirado Universidad de Jaén
Vol. 25 (2010): Estudios teóricos sociocríticos y disciplinares, Dossier, pages 67-91
Submitted: Oct 7, 2014 Published: Oct 7, 2010


Sociocriticism and cultural studies come at a time in the twentieth century that concerns about the complex nature of literary discourse joins concerns over the methodologies involved in its analysis and the social character of such undisputed. both strands emerge on a clear Marxist sociological and soon made him the object of knowledge of both literary discourse and other types of discourse. If the face of methodological plurality of the moment sociocritical bid to find their own way hermeneutics, cultural studies claim, at an advanced stage, its “antidisciplinar” or “adisciplinar”, which frequently results in an eclectic methodological especially visible in latin america since the eighties, if the concept expands sociocriticism beyond the purely linguistic to receive, for example, iconic discourses, cultural studies extend knowledge of its purposes the term “culture” ends up being equivalent of all or nothing, depending on how you look.

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