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  • Nadia Mékouar-Hertzberg Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour
Vol. 28 (2013): La (re)construcción de género y el orden social en las literaturas hispánicas, Dossier, pages 91-114
Submitted: Sep 22, 2014 Published: Sep 22, 2013


This paper analyses the interactions between gender and “literary field”. It examines first the texts of clara  janés  and Rosa Montero in which a “logic of the limit” (Eugenio Trías) is investigated, showing perfectly how gender produces the feminine and the masculine. The promotion of the figure of the authoress as well as a profound change in the writing of intimacy appear as two essential features which allow the masculine and the feminine to be “performed” as  boundary territories open to a large number of variations. The subversion of the naturalized and hierarchical masculine/feminine dualism is based on a practice of limits as “inhabitable” spaces. It supposes a significant variation of the meaning and function of the limit: it is no longer an exclusive and excluding line of demarcation but a space susceptible to repeated negotiations and the main vector by which difference is challenged and reformulated.

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