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  • Alena Kárpava Universidad de Granada
Vol. 7 (2014), PhD and M. Dissertation summaries, pages 213-239
Submitted: Apr 22, 2014 Accepted: May 6, 2014 Published: Jun 2, 2014


This papers sums up the methodology used in the PhD Thesis Implicaciones de los programas de acogida temporal de los menores, víctimas de la catástrofe nuclear de Chernóbyl, en el desarrollo de la inmigración ambiental bielorrusa en la provincia de Granada. Integración en el espacio de la paz intercultural (Implications of foster care programs for minors victims of the Chernobyl Disaster, towards the development of Belarusian inmigrant population in Granada. Integration in the setting of intercultural peace) which was defended in the Instituto de la Paz y los Conflictos (Universidad de Granada), on October 2013.

The introduction to this work includes the precedents of the investigation. In the following chapters, the empirical study is described, containing the following sections: objectives, hypothesis, methodology used (from a biographical-narrative perspective, in which a ‘life story’ is told and vinculated to the study of peace), tools used in data collection (biographical interview, both semi-structured and in depth) and the analysis of these. This analysis has been carried out using the software ‘ATLAS.ti’, designed to help the investigator analysing and interpretating qualitative data, as well as to divide the text in quotes, codes, commentaries, annotations, a posterior organisation in ‘Networks’, or graphical organising system.


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