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  • Mark A. Hunt Ortiz Arqueopro, Estudio de Arqueología y Patrimonio Histórico
  • Bartomeu Llull Estarellas ArqueoUIB, Grupo de investigación de Cultura Material y Gestión de Patrimonio Arqueológico, Universitat de les Illes Balears
  • Laura Perelló Mateo ArqueoUIB, Grupo de investigación de Cultura Material y Gestión de Patrimonio Arqueológico, Universitat de les Illes Balears
  • Bartomeu Salvà Simonet ArqueoUIB, Grupo de investigación de Cultura Material y Gestión de Patrimonio Arqueológico, Universitat de les Illes Balears
Vol. 24 (2014), Monograph, pages 85-109
Submitted: Mar 1, 2016 Published: Mar 1, 2014
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The results obtained through a series of successive projects focused, since 2009, in the study of prehistoric  metallic  mining  on the island  of Menorca  are exposed.  The  last  work  carried out is the archaeological  excavation,  in 2012, of the copper mining site of Sa Mitja Lluna (in the island Illa den  Colom,  Menorca).  The f irst radiocarbon  dates have conf irmed the exploi- tation of local copper resources by Bronze Age communities in Menorca. In this synthesis of the research project, the f irst lead isotopes results of the mineralization exploited are also presented. The analytical results obtained represent a substantial step forward regarding the knowledge  of the metallic  prehistoric  mining  in the Balearic  Islands.


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Hunt Ortiz, M. A., Llull Estarellas, B., Perelló Mateo, L., & Salvà Simonet, B. (2014). Bronze Age copper resources procurement in Menorca: Sa Mitja Lluna mine (Illa den Colom). Cuadernos De Prehistoria Y Arqueología De La Universidad De Granada, 24, 85–109.