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  • Sebastián Celestino Pérez Instituto de Arqueología-Mérida. CSIC
  • Ana Cabrera Díez Departamento de Prehistoria UCM
Vol. 18 (2008), Monograph, pages 189-215
Submitted: May 4, 2013 Published: Dec 4, 2008
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In recent fieldworks carried out at the archaeological site of Cancho Roano, a boundary pitfull-up with a big amount of animal bones and pottery have been discovered surrounding the building. The analysis of these remains allow us to infer the celebration of a communal banquet during the last moments of occupation of the complex, similar to those well-know in other sites of the Iberian Peninsula and Central Europe. In opposition, the presence of banquet tools with a more restricted use such as spits or tools related to the manoeuvring of wine inside the building, implies another kind of commensality practices with a exclusively private character.


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Celestino Pérez, S., & Cabrera Díez, A. (2008). COMUNAL AND PRIVATE BANQUET AT CANCHO ROANO SANCTUARY. Cuadernos De Prehistoria Y Arqueología De La Universidad De Granada, 18, 189–215.