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  • José Antonio Peña Universidad de Granada
  • Teresa Teixidó Instituto Andaluz de Geofísica, Universidad de Granada
  • Alejandro Ibáñez Castro Delegación Territorial de Educación, Cultura y Deporte en Córdoba, Junta de Andalucía
Vol. 22 (2012), Archeological data, pages 397-412
Submitted: Sep 26, 2014 Published: Sep 26, 2012
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The  Archaeological  Area  of  Majadaiglesia  is  located  in  the  comarca  of  Pedroches,  in  the municipal term of El Guijo, to the north of the province of Córdoba. The abundant archaeological and  epigraphic remains lead to the hypothesis that Majadaiglesia can be Solia, a completely romanized multicultural settlement in the last quarter of the  first century.

In this  vast site  of about 19 ha the  remains of a  wall, many hydraulic structures and a necropolis  from Roman times are observed. With view to future archaeological activities 3.7  ha  site  were  investigated  by  geophysical  surveys,  which  1.3  ha  correspond  to  plateau Cortijo  Majadaiglesia,  and  are  forming  the  subject  of this  study.

Geophysical exploration work consisted of a topographic survey of the study area, a magnetic survey,  and  a  survey  with  subsurface  radar  (3D)  in sectors  where  the magnetic  survey  had identified  anomalies  of  interest.

By combining both methods have been identif ied a number of underground structures that have established  that most of the structures  are linked to hydraulic  constructions.  Moreover, the good  dielectric contrast between the buried bodies and the enveloping material it has favored  the  application  of a ref ined  treatment  to one  of the  structures  detected  with  GPR, so have been able to generate  images  with suff icient  quality  for its archaeological  interpretation, based on comparison with similar structures excavated elsewhere.


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Peña, J. A., Teixidó, T., & Ibáñez Castro, A. (2012). DETECTION OF HYDRAULIC ROMAN STRUCTURES BY MEANS OF GEOPHYSICAL METHODS. THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AREA OF MAJADAIGLESIA, EL GUIJO (CÓRDOBA). Cuadernos De Prehistoria Y Arqueología De La Universidad De Granada, 22, 397–412.