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  • Paula Pinillos de la Granja Dpto. de Prehistoria y Arqueología, Universidad de Granada
Vol. 31 (2021), Notes and reviews, pages 445-447
Submitted: May 21, 2021 Accepted: May 21, 2021 Published: Dec 17, 2021
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The book "The Chalcolithic settlement of Vilches IV (Torre Uchea, Hellín, Albacete). A site from the 3rd millennium BC in the southern sub-plateau" coordinated by Gabriel García Atiénzar and José David Busquier Corbí, constitutes a precedent in the knowledge of the Chalcolithic period, significantly enriching the analysis in the understanding of the development of the human societies that inhabited the southern La Mancha region during the III millennium BC.  It is the result of a compendium of different scientific articles, from which the material culture is analysed using a rigorous methodology, which allows us to understand the social and economic dynamics that determine the establishment and abandonment of the Vilches IV site.



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Pinillos de la Granja, P. (2021). GARCÍA ATIÉNZAR, Gabriel y BUSQUIER CORBÍ, José David (coords.) (2020): El poblado calcolítico de Vilches IV (Torre Uchea, Hellín.Albacete). Un asentamiento del III milenio a.C. en la Submeseta sur, Universitat D’Alacant, Alicante. 232 pp. Cuadernos De Prehistoria Y Arqueología De La Universidad De Granada, 31, 445–447.