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  • Cinzia Loi Dipartimento di Storia, Università di Sassari Paleoworking Sardegna
Vol. 19 (2009), Archeological data, pages 379-391
Submitted: Jan 5, 2013 Published: Jan 5, 2013
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The nuraghe Benezziddo is a tholos shaped structure with a niche on the right and a staircase on the left of the entrance. It leads to a main chamber in which there are three niches laid out as cross. The monument is surrounded by evident traces of a village. I n a recent survey at Benezziddo nuraghe a set of metal objects, mostly bronze ones, has been recovered. We do not know the original context, because the findings were gathered in the loose soil of an abusive excavation in front of nuraghe. The complex consists of 31 items for a total weight of 1742 grams, and can be dated in Nuragic, Roman and Middle Ages.

A fragment of planoconvex ingot, a fragment of oxhide ingot, a fragment of a axe of large size and a fragment of a votive sword stand out among the Nuragic age findings. The heterogeneity of findings and the discovery place suggests that these objects had been deliberately buried in an easily detectable but finally they could not be recovered, for unspecified reasons.


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Loi, C. (2013). BRONZE FINDINGS FROM BENEZZIDDO NURAGHE, AIDOMAGGIORE (ORISTANO). Cuadernos De Prehistoria Y Arqueología De La Universidad De Granada, 19, 379–391.