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  • Daniel Mateo Corredor Universidad de Alicante
  • Palmira Torregrosa Giménez Museo Arqueológico Municipal Camilo Visedo de Alcoy
  • Eduardo López Seguí Alebus Patrimonio Histórico S.L.
Vol. 31 (2021), Archeological data, pages 333-359
Submitted: Jun 2, 2020 Accepted: Dec 3, 2021 Published: Dec 17, 2021
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The rescue excavation carried out at the plot of Edificio El Principado (Finestrat, Alicante) made possible to bring to light various structures related to a craft activity and a significant ceramic assemblage of the Late Republican period. In this paper we present a typological, ceramological and quantitative study of its amphorae assemblage, deepening in the analysis of its products supply. The predominance of Italic wine imports is observed, from the Tyrrhenian area as well as from the Adriatic coast, and also of salsamenta and fish sauces coming from southern areas of the Iberian Peninsula, especially from the Bay of Cádiz and the coast of Málaga. The great majority of the material studied allows us to place the main occupation of the site between 80-60 BC and also to delve into its probable connection with the close located Tossal de la Cala, recently reinterpreted as a Sertorian castellum, showing both ceramic repertoires great similarities. 


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Mateo Corredor, D., Torregrosa Giménez, P., & López Seguí, E. (2021). AMPHORAE IMPORTS IN THE LATE REPUBLICAN SITE OF EL PRINCIPADO (FINESTRAT, ALICANTE). Cuadernos De Prehistoria Y Arqueología De La Universidad De Granada, 31, 333–359.