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  • Juan Antonio Cámara Serrano Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología. Universidad de Granada
  • José Antonio Riquelme Cantal Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología. Universidad de Granada
  • Cristóbal Pérez Bareas C/Cuesta de San Gil, 22, 23440 Baeza
  • Rafael Lizcano Prestel Área de Urbanismo. Ayuntamiento de Úbeda
  • Antonio Burgos Juárez Avda. Francisco Javier Rodríguez Salas, nº 139. Jun (Granada)
  • Francisco Torres Torres C/Arrañales, 3. Torreperogil (Jaén)
Vol. 20 (2010), Archeological data, pages 295-328
Submitted: Dec 27, 2012 Published: Dec 27, 2012
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We have been able to confirm that animals were sacrificed by studying cut marks on animals buried inside La Alberquilla Structural Complex 7, during the last third of IV Millennium B.C. The proliferation of burial rituals of people and animals between the second half of the IV Millennium BC and the end of the III Millennium BC is linked to the ability of wealth mobilization, which sometimes is not easily reproduced. In this way progressive social differentiation can occasionally be shown in the Late Prehistory societies, as an alternative to ritual commensality feasts.


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Cámara Serrano, J. A., Riquelme Cantal, J. A., Pérez Bareas, C., Lizcano Prestel, R., Burgos Juárez, A., & Torres Torres, F. (2012). ANIMAL SACRIFICE AND RITUAL AT POLIDEPORTIVO DE MARTOS-LA ALBERQUILLA (MARTOS, JAÉN). Cuadernos De Prehistoria Y Arqueología De La Universidad De Granada, 20, 295–328.