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  • Eduardo Fresneda Padilla Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía
  • María Oliva Rodríguez Ariza Centro Andaluz de Arqueología Ibérica. Universidad de Jaén
  • Manuel López López
Vol. 12 (1987): Vol. 13 (1988), Artículos, pages 101-133
Submitted: Oct 5, 2013
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In this paper we bring together all the avaibable from discoveries and excavation in the eastern part of the plain of Granada. The article concentrates on the analysis of the sites and settlements of the arca, which have two locations: in the alluvial plain and at the foot of Sierra Nevada. This diverse topography can be explained by the different economic means of the villages and the interdependent relationship between them.


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Fresneda Padilla, E., Rodríguez Ariza, M. O., & López López, M. LA CULTURA DEL ARGAR EN EL SECTOR ORIENTAL DE LA VEGA DE GRANADA. ESTADO ACTUAL DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN. Cuadernos De Prehistoria Y Arqueología De La Universidad De Granada, 12, 101–133.