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  • Francisco Nocete Calvo Departamento Historia I. Universidad de Huelva
  • José María Crespo García
  • Narciso Zafra de la Torre Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía
Vol. 11 (1986), Artículos, pages 171-198
Submitted: Sep 30, 2013
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With Cerro del Salto starts our knowledge of the societies of the Bronze Age in the Linares Valley. A peripheric development, during the Middle Bronze Age, to the metallurgic people of Sierra Morena, and, at the end of that Age, to the formation of Castulo, shows the research line about the centrepériphery relations of the aristocratic societies of the Guadalquivir Valley.


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Nocete Calvo, F., Crespo García, J. M., & Zafra de la Torre, N. CERRO DEL SALTO. HISTORIA DE UNA PERIFERIA. Cuadernos De Prehistoria Y Arqueología De La Universidad De Granada, 11, 171–198.