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  • Urszula Aszyk Universidad de Varsovia
Vol. 31 No. 2 (2016), Transición, pages 7-41
Submitted: Feb 4, 2017 Published: Feb 4, 2017


This work analyses the complex situation of Spanish theatre during the period of political transition (1975-1982), taking into consideration those political processes conditioned by the moment of history, those which are socio-cultural and circumstantial in nature, and also those which are related to the evolution of theatre arts in general. For that reason, the work focuses on the operations of “recovery” and “restitution” which, after 1975, are carried out with the aim of recovering both classical works and those of the twentieth century prior to 1936 which were consigned to oblivion after 1939, as well as saving more recent work sbanned by Francoist censorship. Establishing this enables us to come to conclusions concerning the multiplication and transformation (without reaching a completely new discourse) of dramatic and theatrical discourse during the transition, a phenomenon which, on the other hand, will be seen in the post-transition period.

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