Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 24 (1) Enero-Junio de 2024 ISSN: 1695-324X
Enhancing mathematics education: effective approaches for teaching linear equations
to students with and without learning difficulties
Melhorando a educação matemática: abordagens eficazes para ensinar equações
lineares a estudantes com e sem dificuldades de aprendizagem.
Angeliki Chamchougia
Secondary Education Directorate of Cyclades (Grécia)
Alexander Maz Machado
Universidad de Córdoba (España)
Noelia Noemí Jiménez Fanjul
Universidad de Córdoba (España)
Recibido: 06/03/2024
Revisado: 18/03/2024
Evaluado: 19/03/2024
Aceptado: 07/05/2024
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 24 (1) Enero-Junio de 2024 ISSN: 1695-324X
This study examined the teaching complexities of linear equations to students
with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs), such as dyslexia and dyscalculia,
compared to students without SpLDs but with difficulties in mathematics. It
intended to identify significant differences in mathematicians' teaching
experiences, the impact of these challenges on students lives, and the
effectiveness of specialized teaching strategies. Conducted with 380
mathematics teachers in secondary schools across Attica and Thessaloniki,
Greece, this quantitative study employed Two-Tailed Wilcoxon Signed Rank
Test and Spearman's rho correlation. Findings highlighted the heightened
difficulties faced by students with SpLDs in learning linear equations,
necessitating more varied and intensive interventions. A positive correlation was
noted between the interventions and factors contributing to SpLDs, implying the
need for personalized teaching approaches. The study highlights early
identification of student difficulties, individualized support, and the need for a
more inclusive and supportive learning environment, suggesting policy revisions
for inclusive education and further research on effective, innovative educational
Este estudio examinó las complejidades de la enseñanza de ecuaciones
lineales a estudiantes con Dificultades Específicas de Aprendizaje (DEA), como
dislexia y discalculia, en comparación con estudiantes sin DEA pero con
dificultades en matemáticas. Su objetivo era identificar diferencias significativas
en las experiencias de enseñanza de los matemáticos, el impacto de estos
desafíos en la vida de los estudiantes y la efectividad de estrategias de
enseñanza especializadas. Realizado con 380 profesores de matemáticas en
escuelas secundarias a través de Ática y Tesalónica, Grecia, este estudio
cuantitativo empleó la Prueba de Rangos con Signos de Wilcoxon de Dos
Colas y la correlación rho de Spearman. Los hallazgos destacaron las mayores
dificultades enfrentadas por estudiantes con DEA en el aprendizaje de
ecuaciones lineales, lo que requiere intervenciones más variadas e intensivas.
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 24 (1) Enero-Junio de 2024 ISSN: 1695-324X
Se notó una correlación positiva entre las intervenciones y los factores que
contribuyen a las DEA, implicando la necesidad de enfoques de enseñanza
personalizados. El estudio destaca la identificación temprana de las dificultades
de los estudiantes, el apoyo individualizado y la necesidad de un entorno de
aprendizaje más inclusivo y de apoyo, sugiriendo revisiones de políticas para la
educación inclusiva y más investigación sobre herramientas educativas
efectivas e innovadoras.
Este estudo examinou as complexidades do ensino de equações lineares a
estudantes com Dificuldades Específicas de Aprendizagem (DEA), como
dislexia e discalculia, em comparação com estudantes sem DEA mas com
dificuldades em matemática. Pretendia identificar diferenças significativas nas
experiências de ensino dos matemáticos, o impacto desses desafios na vida
dos estudantes e a eficácia de estratégias de ensino especializadas. Realizado
com 380 professores de matemática em escolas secundárias através de Ática
e Tessalônica, Grécia, este estudo quantitativo empregou o Teste de Postos
com Sinal de Wilcoxon de Duas Caudas e a correlação rho de Spearman. Os
resultados destacaram as dificuldades aumentadas enfrentadas por estudantes
com DEA no aprendizado de equações lineares, necessitando intervenções
mais variadas e intensivas. Uma correlação positiva foi notada entre as
intervenções e os fatores que contribuem para as DEA, implicando a
necessidade de abordagens de ensino personalizadas. O estudo destaca a
identificação precoce das dificuldades dos estudantes, suporte individualizado
e a necessidade de um ambiente de aprendizagem mais inclusivo e de apoio,
sugerindo revisões de políticas para a educação inclusiva e mais pesquisa
sobre ferramentas educacionais eficazes e inovadoras.
Keywords: Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs), Linear Equations,
Educational Strategies, Math Anxiety, Cognitive Differences.
Palabras Clave: Dificultades Específicas de Aprendizaje (DEA), Ecuaciones
Lineales, Estrategias Educativas, Ansiedad Matemática, Diferencias Cognitivas.
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 24 (1) Enero-Junio de 2024 ISSN: 1695-324X
Palavras-chave: Dificuldades de Aprendizagem Específicas (DAEs), Equações
Lineares, Estratégias Educacionais, Ansiedade em Matemática, Diferenças
Teaching linear equations in Mathematics education presents challenges to
students with SpLD and without difficulties but having difficulties in mathematics
in general. These not only affect the academic performance of students, but
also have great implications in their life scenarios. That demands customized
interventions and deep comprehension of the contributing factors in order to be
considered appropriate aids in the process of their learning.
Thus, for students with SpLDs, among the most common being dyslexia and
dyscalculia, the study of linear equations presents special challenges. Τhese
challenges include underlying cognitive differences relate to speed processing
and memory, alongside the perception and understanding of visual-spatial
information, and language processing. For example, students with dyscalculia
have difficulties in abstract mathematical concepts and symbols, thus it is a
challenge to understand and solve the linear equations of linear (Oginni &
Olugbuyi, 2014; Peters et al., 2018). Apparently, students who find mathematics
to be quite difficult yet do not have SpLDs have been found to suffer from math
anxiety and negative attitude towards it, coupled with a lack of basic knowledge
rather than from some kind of cognitive dysfunctions (Ashcraft & Moore, 2009;
Dowker et al., 2016).
The impact of SpLDs on students’ lives is way more than the academic
challenges. It can deeply affect the self-esteem, motivation, and social
interaction of the student, thus causing long-term consequences in personal
and professional opportunities. SpLDs require the holistic support that goes
beyond mere academic interventions to cover psychological support and
general class teaching (Alfonso & Flanagan, 2018; Mantzáris, 2019). In the
same way, poor math performance among children without SpLDs leads to low
confidence, high anxiety, and low performance, generally impacting the quality
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 24 (1) Enero-Junio de 2024 ISSN: 1695-324X
of their life and their attitudes toward learning. However, these impacts are
more directly tied to the actual experiences of the children and the attitudes
created within society more so than to inherent cognitive differences.
Interventions for students with SpLDs require specialized teaching methods that
address their specific learning needs. These can run the gamut from
multisensory teaching approaches, to explicit instruction in mathematical
vocabulary, to use of visual aids and any accommodations such as extra time
for processing (Pollack & Waller, 1994; L. Fuchs & D. Fuchs, 2002). The
intervention for those without SpLDs, but struggling with mathematics, would
possibly involve strategies around increasing confidence, changing negative
attitudes towards mathematics, as well as the solidification of foundational skills
through the use of creative pedagogies and supportive classroom environments
(Van de Walle et al., 2010; Swan, 2000).
Factors contributing to SpLDs and learning difficulties in mathematics are multi-
factorial. Often, SpLDs are associated with biological, genetic, and
environmental factors, such as differences in brain structure and function,
genetic predispositions, and unfavorable environmental conditions (Swanson et
al., 2014; Selikowitz, 2012). On the other hand, problems in mathematics
without SpLDs are affected by a lack of practice because of disinterest or
creating a negative impression because of social norms. Due to the lack of
suitable opportunities for practicing along with the non-supporting classroom
environment, such challenges become aggravated (Boaler, 2016). This creates
a vicious cycle of anxiety-avoidance that prevents students further from learning
and deriving pleasure from mathematics (Dowker et al., 2016).
Teachers are supposed to be in very many other roles to enhance students'
successes in dealing with difficulties in mathematics. This includes them not
only having a deep understanding of the mathematical concepts but also
committed to creating a supportive and engaging environment for learning. For
example, building a classroom culture that supports questions and considers
mistakes to be a part of learning math may profoundly add to the reduction of
math anxiety and enhance perseverance and acceptance among students
(Kunwar, 2020). In addition, effective teaching and learning of mathematics can
only take place through comprehensive implementation based on cooperative
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 24 (1) Enero-Junio de 2024 ISSN: 1695-324X
efforts among the teachers, the institutions, and the policymakers to enable all
students to reach their full potential in the subject (Peters et al., 2018).
Therefore, teaching the linear equations or, in general, teaching of mathematics
requires understanding the distinct challenges that students with and without
SpLDs face. Interventions and teaching strategies would have to be custom-
designed for the each group of students that take into account the cognitive,
emotional, and environmental factors contributing to their learning difficulties.
Creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment where every child can
overcome these barriers in mathematics and achieve to their maximum ability,
equipping them to meet the wider challenges in the world outside the classroom
The general objective of this study is to investigate and understand the
complexities and distinctions in teaching linear equations to students with
Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs) and those without SpLDs but who face
difficulties in mathematics. This involves examining the challenges, impacts,
interventions, methods, and strategies relevant to both groups, with the aim of
enhancing the educational experience and outcomes for these students.
The specific objectives of this research are as follows:
Q1 To determine if there are significant differences in difficulties found
when teaching linear equations to students with SpLDs compared to
those without SpLDs but with difficulties in mathematics.
Q2 To assess the differential impacts of SpLDs and general
mathematics difficulties on students' lives.
Q3 To evaluate the differences between interventions, comprehensive
methods, and strategies used in teaching mathematics to students with
SpLDs and those without SpLDs but with difficulties in mathematics.
Q4 To investigate and understand the relationship between
interventions, teaching methods, and strategies tailored to students with
Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs) and those without SpLDs but who
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 24 (1) Enero-Junio de 2024 ISSN: 1695-324X
experience difficulties in mathematics, focusing on how these educational
approaches relate to the challenges encountered in learning linear
equations, the contributing factors to both SpLDs and general learning
difficulties in mathematics, and their impact on students' lives.
Based on the specific objectives mentioned and considering the literature
review, the following research questions are formulated:
1) Are there any significant differences between difficulties found when
teaching linear equations to students with SpLDs and students without
SpLDs but with difficulties in mathematics?
2) Are there any significant differences between the Impact of SpLDs on
students' lives and the Impact of difficulties in mathematics on students
without SpLDs' lives?
3) Are there any significant differences between Interventions,
comprehensive methods and strategies for teaching mathematics to
students with SpLDs and students without SpLDs but with difficulties in
4) What relationship exists between Interventions, comprehensive
methods and strategies for teaching mathematics to students with SpLDs
and Difficulties in mathematics in the context of linear equations for
students with SpLD, Factors contributing to SpLDs as well as the Impact
of SpLDs on students’ lives?
5) What relationship exists between Interventions, comprehensive
methods and strategies for teaching mathematics to students without
SpLDs but with difficulties in mathematics, and the Difficulties in
mathematics in the context of linear equations for students without
SpLDs, Factors contributing to learning difficulties in mathematics, and
the Impact of difficulties in mathematics on students without SpLDs'
This study focused on the educational sector, applying quantitative research
methods to enhance understanding and improvement in teaching and learning
as per Lodico et al. (2006). It adopted a quantitative approach, characterized by
hypothesis testing and numerical data analysis. According to Bloomfield and
Fisher (2019), quantitative research is divided into descriptive, correlational,
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 24 (1) Enero-Junio de 2024 ISSN: 1695-324X
quasi-experimental, and experimental categories. Specifically, this research
utilized a correlational design to explore the relationships between variables in
their natural settings, aiming to identify significant associations without
manipulating the variables.
This research design followed a structured approach as detailed by Graziano
and Raulin (2019), encompassing seven distinct phases:
Phase 1: Idea-generation, where the research topic is identified.
Phase 2: Problem-definition, refining the initial concept into a more precise
Phase 3: Procedures-design, establishing the methods for data collection and
Phase 4: Observation, collecting data from participants.
Phase 5: Data-analysis, applying statistical techniques to the gathered
Phase 6: Interpretation, comparing results with theoretical predictions.
Phase 7: Communication, drafting a report to share findings with peers or for
publication, which includes a detailed account of all preceding steps.
The study population targeted mathematics teachers in secondary schools
across Attica and Thessaloniki in Greece, focusing on a 1,243 public schools,
including both general and special education schools. Employing simple
random sampling for equitable selection, a comprehensive list enabled the use
of a random number generator to pick participants. Out of 700 targeted
mathematics teachers, 380 (54% response rate) completed the questionnaires,
comprising the study's final sample. This sample notably included a gender
distribution of 58.2% males and 41.8% females. The educational qualifications
of mathematicians in the study showed that 63.4% had a bachelor's degree,
29.5% had a master's degree, and 7.1% held a Ph.D. Regarding teaching
experience, 12.4% had less than 10 years, 39.7% had between 10 and 20
years, and the largest group, 47.9%, had over 20 years of experience in
The study applied a quantitative research method. Specifically, a descriptive
method was employed through a structured questionnaire which designed
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 24 (1) Enero-Junio de 2024 ISSN: 1695-324X
around the theoretical framework and the research questions as primary tool for
data collection. This questionnaire was divided into four sections, including both
closed-ended (simple and Likert scale) and open-ended formats. Each section
focused on specific areas of interest:
Sociodemographic Information - This section included questions about
the participants' sex, level of studies, and teaching experience.
Experience, knowledge of characteristics and difficulties in mathematics
among students with SpLDs - This section explores the level of
knowledge and experience of mathematicians concerning the
characteristics and difficulties of students with SpLDs. It is further divided
into six sub-dimensions, covering education, training, understanding of
SpLDs, knowledge about the causes of SpLDs, difficulties experienced
by students with SpLDs, factors contributing to learning challenges, and
the impact of SpLDs on students' lives.
Characteristics and difficulties in mathematics among students without
SpLDs - This section explores the experiences of mathematicians with
the characteristics and difficulties in mathematics among students
without SpLDs, divided into four sub-dimensions. It assesses the extent
of difficulties encountered, specific challenges in linear equations,
contributing factors to learning difficulties, and the impact of these
difficulties on students' lives.
Comparative Evaluation of challenges and distinctions - The comparison
of the challenges and differences of the students with and without SpLDs
falling actually in the difficulty of the subject of Mathematics. This part
gets aligned with five sub-dimensions, which are the way of collecting
data, diagnosis of the difficulties in Mathematics, intervention, and
strategies in teaching Mathematics, and the factors, which affect the
support of the children facing difficulty. It has also evaluated the support,
which is needful in its proper juncture for the students with or without
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 24 (1) Enero-Junio de 2024 ISSN: 1695-324X
The questionnaire's validity and reliability are crucial for the effectiveness of the
study, as highlighted by Cohen, Manion, & Morrison (2007) and Creswell
(2012). Validity ensures the questionnaire's questions are aligned with the
study's objectives, enhancing its value. Reliability, on the other hand, measures
the consistency of responses, with Flynn et al. (1990) suggesting repeated
completions by the same entity as a test for absolute reliability. A pilot study,
recommended by Hazzi & Maldaon (2015) as a key part of research design,
was conducted to assess the questionnaire's reliability and validity. This
involved data collection from the selected regions of Attica and Thessaloniki,
were firstly participants approached through their school units' telephone
numbers, with the purpose to refine the questionnaire for accuracy, clarity, and
to prevent misunderstandings.
The pilot study for the questionnaire involved seventy mathematics teachers,
selected and then contacted by telephone to ensure they understood the
prerequisites, process, and purpose of the research. The sample demographics
showed 57.1% men and 42.9% women. Educational qualifications within the
group were predominantly bachelor's degrees (67.1%), followed by master's
degrees (28.6%), and a small fraction (4.3%) with Ph.D.s. Regarding teaching
experience, 10.0% had less than 10 years, 38.6% had between 10 and 20
years, and the majority (51.4%) boasted over 20 years of experience.
Internal consistency analysis using Cronbach's Alpha and item discrimination
analysis through Student's t-test was performed to confirm the validity and
reliability of the questionnaire. These analyses were applied to the Likert scale
questions in sections two, three and four, evaluating the homogeneity across
the 71 questions.
The scale's reliability analysis obtained a Cronbach's Alpha value of 0.954,
showing a high reliability criterion, as indicated by Flynn et al. (1990). On
applying the test across different dimensions, values exceeding 0.885 were
achieved, as shown in Table 1.
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 24 (1) Enero-Junio de 2024 ISSN: 1695-324X
Table 1
Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of the questionnaire according to dimensions and subdimensions
Knowledge about the causes of SpLDs
Difficulties in mathematics in the context of linear equations for
students with SpLDs
Factors that may contribute to SpLDs
Impact of SpLDs on students’ lives
Difficulties in mathematics in the context of linear equations for
students without SpLDs
Factors that may contribute to learning difficulties in mathematics
among students without SpLDs
Impact of difficulties in mathematics on students without SpLDs’
Interventions, comprehensive methods and strategies for
teaching mathematics to students with SpLDs
Interventions, comprehensive methods and strategies for
teaching mathematics to students without SpLDs but with
difficulties in mathematics
Factors influence the appropriate support for students, both with
and without SpLDs, who are facing difficulties in mathematics
Appropriate level of support for students with and without SpLDs
Data analysis strategies
The research made use of IBM SPSS Statistics V.25 for quantitative data
analysis, starting with a pilot survey to test the questionnaire's reliability and
validity. Cronbach's Alpha assessed the internal consistency of the Likert scale
questions, and the Student's t-test for independent samples evaluated the
discrimination coefficient between low and high score groups. Following data
correction and coding, the final data's normality was examined using skewness,
kurtosis, and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, leading to the adoption of non-
parametric tests due to non-normal distribution.
Descriptive analysis provided central tendency and dispersion measures
(median and interquartile range) for studys items. Variables representing
means of sub-dimensions were analyzed for their relationships. Specifically, the
study explored the connections between difficulties in teaching linear equations
to students with and without SpLDs, the impact of these difficulties and SpLDs
on students lives, contributing factors to SpLDs and learning difficulties, and the
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 24 (1) Enero-Junio de 2024 ISSN: 1695-324X
interventions used by mathematicians. A comparative analysis using the Two-
Tailed Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test was conducted to address the first three
specific objectives. Additionally, correlation tests through Spearman’s rho index
were performed, targeting the dimensions mentioned above to address the
fourth and fifth specific objectives.
Table 2 presents the measures of central tendency (median) along with
dispersion and variability (interquartile range) for each sub-dimension. These
sub-dimensions incorporates the mathematicians' knowledge of difficulties
found while teaching linear equations for both students with and without SpLDs,
the impact of these difficulties on the lives of students with and without SpLDs,
the interventions, comprehensive methods, and strategies for teaching
mathematics and linear equations to students with and without SpLDs, and the
factors contributing to learning difficulties in mathematics for students with and
without SpLDs.
Table 2
Mathematicians' knowledge of the complexities involved in teaching linear equations and
supporting students with and without SpLDs.
Difficulties in mathematics in the context of linear equations for students
with SpLDs
Difficulties in mathematics in the context of linear equations for students
without SpLDs
Impact of SpLDs on students’ lives
Impact of difficulties in mathematics on students without SpLDs’ lives
Interventions, comprehensive methods and strategies for teaching
mathematics to students with SpLDs
Interventions, comprehensive methods and strategies for teaching
mathematics to students without SpLDs but with difficulties in
Factors that may contribute to learning difficulties in mathematics among
students without SpLDs
Factors influence the appropriate support for students, both with and
without SpLDs, who are facing difficulties in mathematics
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 24 (1) Enero-Junio de 2024 ISSN: 1695-324X
A comparative study explored the connection between mathematicians'
understanding of the difficulties in teaching linear equations to students with and
without SpLDs. Through a two-tailed Wilcoxon signed-rank test, the study
aimed to identify significant differences in the difficulties encountered while
teaching linear equations, the impact of these difficulties on students' lives, and
the interventions and strategies used.
More specifically, as presented in table 3, the statistical analysis revealed
significant findings across the three dimensions concerning teaching linear
equations to students with and without SpLDs. First, mathematicians face
significantly fewer difficulties teaching students without SpLDs (Z=-2.575,
p=.010). Second, the perceived impact of mathematical difficulties on students'
lives is significantly lower for those without SpLDs (Z=-5.922, p<.001). Lastly,
there are significantly fewer interventions and strategies used for teaching
students without SpLDs compared to those with SpLDs (Z=-8.355, p<.001).
Results indicated that mathematicians face fewer difficulties while teaching
linear equations and perceive a lower impact on students without SpLDs, also
applying fewer interventions and strategies for them compared to students with
The findings, are significant across all dimensions (difficulty in teaching, impact
on lives, interventions/strategies), highlight the distinct challenges and needs of
students with SpLDs in learning linear equations.
Table 3
Comparison of means about the attitudes and perceptions of directors of special education
school unit according to the variable Levels of knowledge
Test statistics
Difficulties in mathematics in the
context of linear equations for students
without SpLDs Difficulties in
mathematics in the context of linear
equations for students with SpLDs
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 24 (1) Enero-Junio de 2024 ISSN: 1695-324X
Impact of difficulties in mathematics on
students’ lives – Impact of difficulties in
mathematics on students without
SpLDs' lives
Interventions, comprehensive methods
and strategies for teaching
mathematics to students without SpLDs
but with difficulties in mathematics
Interventions, comprehensive methods
and strategies for teaching
mathematics to students with SpLDs
Note.a Based on positive ranks
b Based on negative ranks
A correlational study employing Spearman’s rho index investigated the
relationship between the teaching interventions for students with SpLDs, the
difficulties these students encounter in mathematics specifically within linear
equations, the factors contributing to SpLDs, and the impact of SpLDs on
students' lives. The analysis revealed as presented in table 4:
A weak positive correlation between the teaching interventions for students with
SpLDs and their difficulties in mathematics within linear equations (r=.172,
p=.001), suggesting a slight increase in teaching interventions is associated
with an increase in observed difficulties.
A very strong positive correlation was found between the teaching interventions
for students with SpLDs and the factors contributing to SpLDs (r=.804, p<.001),
indicating that as the complexity of contributing factors to SpLDs increases, so
does the extent of teaching interventions.
A weak positive correlation exists between the teaching interventions for
students with SpLDs and the impact of SpLDs on students' lives (r=.326,
p<.001), showing a mild association where increased teaching interventions
correspond with an increased perceived impact of SpLDs on students' lives.
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 24 (1) Enero-Junio de 2024 ISSN: 1695-324X
Table 4
Correlation between Interventions, comprehensive methods, and strategies for teaching
mathematics to students with SpLDs, and the Difficulties in mathematics in the context of linear
equations for students with SpLDs, Factors contributing to SpLDs as well as the Impact of
SpLDs on students’ lives
Difficulties in mathematics in
the context of linear equations
for students with SpLDs
to SpLDs
Impact of
SpLDs on
students’ lives
Interventions, comprehensive
methods and strategies for
teaching mathematics to
students with SpLDs
Note.** The correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Also, a correlational study using Spearman’s rho index explored the relationship
between teaching interventions for students without SpLDs facing difficulties in
mathematics, specifically within the context of linear equations, and various
related variables. The findings indicated as indicated in table 5:
No significant relationship between the interventions and strategies for teaching
mathematics to students without SpLDs and their difficulties in linear equations
(r=.040, p=.441), suggesting that the applied teaching methods do not directly
correlate with difficulties encountered in this area.
A moderate positive association was found between the interventions and
strategies for teaching and the factors contributing to learning difficulties in
mathematics among students without SpLDs (r=.556, p<.001), indicating that as
the complexity of contributing factors increases, so does the extent of teaching
A weak positive association was observed between the interventions and
strategies for teaching and the impact of these difficulties on the lives of
students without SpLDs (r=.212, p<.001), showing a slight association where
increased teaching interventions correspond with an increased perceived
impact of difficulties on students' lives.
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 24 (1) Enero-Junio de 2024 ISSN: 1695-324X
Table 5
Correlation between Interventions, comprehensive methods, and strategies for teaching
mathematics to students without SpLDs but with difficulties in mathematics, and the Difficulties
in mathematics in the context of linear equations for students without SpLDs, Factors
contributing to learning difficulties in mathematics, and the Impact of difficulties in mathematics
on students without SpLDs' lives
Difficulties in
mathematics in the
context of linear
equations for
students without
Factors contributing
to learning
difficulties in
mathematics among
students without
Impact of
difficulties in
mathematics on
without SpLDs’
Interventions, comprehensive
methods and strategies for
teaching mathematics to
students without SpLDs but
with difficulties in mathematics
Note.** The correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Conclusions and Discussion
This article explores the peculiarities of teaching linear equations to students
with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs), in comparison to students without
them, in an attempt to report how such teaching challenges affect student well-
being and whether these concerns influence the effectiveness of any specific
educational strategies. The research identified that students diagnosed with
SpLDs encounter serious issues in understanding abstract mathematical
concepts, and this is an area where Peters et al. (2018) along with Taylor &
Vestergaard (2022) proposed new methods of instruction for creative learning of
children or individuals having dyslexia and dyscalculia. In relation to this,
Almahrag (2021) and Duff et al. (2023) identified a necessity for additional
instruction and reported lower academic achievements in this demographic,
suggesting that traditional teaching methods might not suffice.
Significantly, the study also revealed that SpLDs profoundly affect a learner's
life beyond academics, touching self-esteem, motivation, and social interaction.
This is supported by Hulme & Snowling (2016) and Sofwan et al. (2020), who
discussed, apart from the academic risks, the broader academic and emotional
development risks associated with unaddressed dyscalculia and dyslexia. Abd
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 24 (1) Enero-Junio de 2024 ISSN: 1695-324X
Rauf et al. (2020) and Schulte-Körne (2016) went further and elaborated that
these learning difficulties were also related to difficulties in social skill
development and fear of failure, which called for an integrated support system,
as also reported by Alfonso and Flanagan (2018).
The significance of specialized educational practices is an emerging theme, the
presented results indicate that multisensory techniques combined with
technology have been able to create successful personalized learning
environments. This aligns with the observations of Taylor & Vestergaard (2022)
and Mahmud et al. (2020),who put great emphasis on early intervention and
collaborative approaches to managing SpLDs. Additionally, the study
highlighted the importance of teacher preparedness in creating an inclusive
educational setting, as stressed by Johnson (2017).
Our analysis found a weak positive association of interventions on academic
support for students with SpLDs and improvement in the skills of mathematics.
Shin and Bryant (2017) and Witzel & Mize (2018) further argued that both
computer-assisted instructions and validated assessments increased learning.
However, for students without SpLDs, there was no significant correlation and
contrasting with SSumirattana et al. (2017) and Yu & Singh (2016) who
underscored the importance of adapting problems to students' backgrounds and
the indirect benefits of teacher support on self-efficacy and interest in
The study also identified a strong positive correlation between interventions for
students with SpLDs and contributing factors to SpLDs, evidently hearing the
same appeals for early detection and purposeful intervention that are made by
Sunil et al. (2023) and Rajesh & Sunney (2021). Another finding in the research
was the addressing math anxiety through strategic teaching methods, as
proposed by Luttenberger et al. (2018). Key findings of Choi et al. (2017) were
that both attitude change and inclusive education brought about an improved
rise in the academic performance of all students.
Furthermore, our study claims a weak positive impact of interventions on the
lives of students with SpLDs, corroborating previous research. Alamro (2019)
noted the important role played by educators in overcoming dyslexia and
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 24 (1) Enero-Junio de 2024 ISSN: 1695-324X
dyscalculia. Tam and Leung (2019) emphasizing the necessity of self-regulation
and motivation to the program of training. The absence of such specific support
puts students with dyscalculia at substantial risk regarding their academic
performance; it is one of the major factors, if not the primary one, underlying the
imperative need for policy and educational intervention, as noted by Schulte-
Körne (2016) and Haberstroh & Schulte-Kör.
Similarly, for students without SpLDs, a weak positive correlation was found
between teaching strategies and life outcomes. This confirms earlier research
by Dowker et al. (2016) on the profound negative impacts of math anxiety.
Revision of traditional instructional methods, as suggested by Luttenberger et
al. (2018), can alleviate math anxiety, thereby improving academic and career
choices. Choi et al. (2017) add that inclusive education has also been reported
to yield success in an entire range of academic accomplishments across the
ability spectrumsuggesting potentially huge benefits from adaptive teaching
In summary, this research further cements the need for more inclusive and
effective teaching practices for students with SpLDs, further emphasizing the
constant innovation, investigation, and collaborations between teachers and
policymakers. Additional studies should try to expand their scope in studies to
include longitudinal data and dig deeper into the efficaciousness of specific
interventions so that a full picture of today's educational landscape can be
painted for students with or without SpLDs.
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