Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
Evaluación del impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 en la transición del
bachillerato a la enseñanza superior: Un estudio de caso
Jhon Herminson Arias Rueda
Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (Ecuador)
Recibido: 14/06/2023
Evaluado: 31/10/2023
Revisado: 15/11/2023
Aceptado: 21/11/2023
Este estudio de caso evalúa la transición de los estudiantes que han
completado su bachillerato en modalidad virtual a un modelo de educación
superior presencial en la era post-pandémica. La hipótesis propuesta sugiere
que la rápida transformación a la educación virtual debido a la pandemia
COVID-19 ha perjudicado el aprendizaje y el rendimiento académico de los
estudiantes, lo que ha provocado una disminución de la calidad educativa. Se
empleó una metodología mixta que combinaba técnicas cuantitativas y
cualitativas de recolección de datos. Para ello, se aplicó un cuestionario en
línea para recabar los datos cuantitativos y se complementó con una técnica de
grupo de discusión para obtener datos cualitativos más detallados. Los
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
resultados apoyaron la hipótesis, y se concluyó que la falta de habilidades
sociales y emocionales y la baja calidad de la educación recibida en la
enseñanza virtual pueden haber dejado a los estudiantes en una situación
difícil para adaptarse a la educación presencial en la enseñanza superior.
This case study assesses the transition of students who have completed their
baccalaureate in virtual mode to a face-to-face higher education model in the
post-pandemic era. The proposed hypothesis suggests that the rapid
transformation to virtual education due to the COVID-19 pandemic has harmed
students' learning and academic performance, resulting in a decline in
educational quality. A mixed methodology combining quantitative and qualitative
data collection techniques was employed. For this purpose, an online
questionnaire was applied to collect quantitative data and was complemented
by a focus group technique to obtain more detailed qualitative data. The results
supported the hypothesis, and it was concluded that the lack of social and
emotional skills and the low quality of education received in virtual education
may have left students in a difficult situation to adapt to face-to-face education
in higher education.
Palabras Clave: Rendimiento Académico, Pandemia COVID-19, Transición
Educativa, Educación Superior, Educación Virtual.
Keywords: Academic Performance, COVID-19 Pandemic, Educational
Transition, Higher Education, Virtual Education.
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted education globally, directly
affecting the transition of baccalaureate into higher education, which is a critical
juncture in itself (Lanphier & Carini, 2022). The rapid and profound
transformation in education due to the pandemic has harmed students' learning
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
and academic performance (Lytras et al., 2022), reflecting the problem that
current teaching methods are not keeping up with the demands of a modern
society that demands new approaches (Engelbrecht et al., 2023; Rivadeneira &
Inga, 2023), which may ultimately result in a decline in educational quality. In
addition, there are concerns about the adverse effects on students' ability to
reach their full academic potential after two years of receiving a virtual
education (UNESCO, 2022).
1.1 Difference between face-to-face, online, and virtual education
Face-to-face education is where teaching is carried out traditionally, i.e. the
student physically attends a learning space (such as a school, university, or
institute, among others) where they interact directly with the teacher and other
students. Classes and activities are carried out at a pre-established timetable
and in a specific physical location (Segovia-García et al., 2022).
On the other hand, virtual and online education are distance learning modalities
that use digital technologies (Lytras et al., 2022). The main difference between
them is that virtual education takes place in real-time, with synchronous classes
that require the active participation of the student and the teacher through
videoconferencing tools and chats (García-de-Paz & Santana Bonilla, 2021). In
contrast, online education is based on asynchronous learning. The student
accesses the content of classes and activities autonomously through virtual
learning platforms, without the need to connect to a specific timetable or direct
interaction with the teacher in real-time (García-de-Paz & Santana Bonilla,
It is important to note that student learning differs in each study mode. In virtual
education, for example, the student can interact in real-time with the teacher
and peers, encouraging participation and exchanging ideas. In online education,
students have more flexibility in organising their study time and carrying out
activities at their own pace. However, it may require greater discipline and
autonomy in their learning. In face-to-face education, the student has direct
contact with the teacher and peers, which can foster collaboration and
teamwork. Each mode has its advantages and disadvantages, and it is
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
essential to select the most appropriate one according to the needs and
learning objectives of each student (Stecuła & Wolniak, 2022).
This research focused on a case study in which the transition of a group of
students who completed their baccalaureate in virtual mode and started their
higher education in face-to-face mode was evaluated, considering that the
transition from one way of schooling to another can present significant
challenges in terms of adaptation and academic performance. In addition, it was
considered essential to analyse how a lack of understanding of the basic
principles may have affected the learning experience of these students in face-
to-face higher education. Basic principles are understood as those that are
essential for understanding any discipline. At an initial university level, students
must gain a deep understanding of these principles, as this will enable them to
build a solid foundation for their subsequent academic training.
1.2 What impact has the pandemic had on the quality of education?
One of the most significant impacts of the pandemic on education has been the
abrupt transition to distance education, which has created significant challenges
for students, teachers, and educational administrators (Ferrer et al., 2023;
UNESCO, 2022). The lack of technological resources, adequate training for the
use of virtual platforms, and the emotional and social disconnection of students
are some of the difficulties that have arisen in virtual education (Atweh et al.,
2023; Bonal & González, 2020; González-Moreira et al., 2023; Mahajan et al.,
2023; Villa-Ochoa et al., 2023). All this has negatively affected the quality of
education, as many students could not receive the individualised attention and
academic support they need to achieve their learning achievements (Ayoo,
2023; UNESCO, 2022).
In addition, the pandemic exposed some of the structural and policy deficiencies
in education present in many countries (Dilemmas, 2021). For example, lack of
investment in educational infrastructure and technology, unequal access to
educational and technological resources, and lack of adequate teacher training
are just some of the problems contributing to the decline in academic quality
(Ayoo, 2023; UNESCO, 2022). Therefore, efforts must be made to address
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
these problems and strengthen the quality of education in a post-pandemic
1.3 Challenges of the transition from virtual to face-to-face education
The transition from virtual to face-to-face education has posed significant
challenges in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic (Bonal & González, 2020;
Jandrić et al., 2022). Students who have completed their bachelor's degree
virtually may face difficulties adapting to higher education's demands in a face-
to-face environment. These challenges can range from difficulties in socialising
and time management to academic problems stemming from a lack of
knowledge of the basic principles that were not previously acquired and may
have been overlooked or inadequately addressed in virtual learning
environments (Daniel, 2020; Liebendörfer et al., 2023; Stecuła & Wolniak,
2022). These gaps may become evident in face-to-face classes where students
are expected to understand and be familiar with key concepts.
The pandemic has significantly impacted many students' routines and habits.
The transition to a new learning environment can be overwhelming, especially
for those who have suffered academic setbacks during this period (Noori,
2021). Returning to face-to-face education presents a complex set of
challenges that require careful consideration and planning by all parties
In addition to students' challenges during this transition, educators and
institutions must also address unique challenges. The pandemic has highlighted
the need for flexible and adaptive pedagogical approaches and the importance
of technology to enhance the learning experience (Lytras et al., 2022).
Educators need to address potential academic gaps and learning loss that may
have arisen during the pandemic, as well as support their student's social and
emotional well-being (Wang et al., 2022). Close collaboration between
educators, students and families is crucial to ensure a triumphant and
supportive return to face-to-face education. In summary, the return to face-to-
face education after the pandemic presents complex and multifaceted
challenges that require careful planning and consideration by all parties
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
It is important to note that the transition from virtual to face-to-face education
can also impact students' mental and emotional health (Wang et al., 2022). The
pandemic has generated stress, anxiety, and depression in many people,
including students, and adapting to a new learning environment can exacerbate
these problems. In addition, academic and social pressures in face-to-face
higher education may be greater than in virtual education, leading to increased
stress for students (López-Aguilar et al., 2022). Therefore, it is necessary to
consider students' emotional and psychological aspects during the transition
and provide them with the support needed to ensure a successful learning
1.4 About this case study
The general objective of this research was to evaluate the transition of students
who have completed their baccalaureate in virtual mode to a face-to-face higher
education model in the post-pandemic period. To this end, two specific
objectives were set out. First, we identified the challenges a group of students
faced during the pandemic in completing their baccalaureate to analyse how
this situation might have influenced their academic performance in a face-to-
face higher education environment. Secondly, it was examined how students'
need for more understanding of the basic principles might have impacted their
learning experience during a face-to-face mode of study. Both objectives focus
on assessing how students' transition from virtual to face-to-face education has
affected their academic performance and learning experience at university. For
that purpose, a questionnaire was administered, and focus groups were
conducted with a sample of students from the first levels of the Salesian
Polytechnic University.
This research hypothesised that the rapid transformation to virtual education
due to the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted students' learning and
academic performance, resulting in a decreased quality of education. In
addition, students who have transitioned from a virtual baccalaureate to face-to-
face higher education in the post-pandemic period have faced unique
challenges and have had to use specific strategies to adapt to this new mode of
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
delivery. This case study sought to demonstrate these hypotheses by collecting
and analysing data on students' challenges and adaptation strategies.
The results of this study may be of great relevance to higher education and
strategic decision-making in the post-pandemic period by providing valuable
information on the challenges students faced during the transition to face-to-
face higher education and how the lack of understanding of the basic principles
in a post-pandemic context impacted their learning experience.
2. Materials and Methods
This case study employed a mixed methodology combining quantitative and
qualitative data collection techniques. An online questionnaire was designed for
this research to collect quantitative data, complemented by a focus group
technique to obtain more detailed qualitative data.
The focus group technique is used in qualitative research to gather information
through group interaction and dialogue among participants. It consists of
bringing together a group of individuals with similar characteristics and
experiences and guiding them through an in-depth discussion on the research
topic (Bloor et al., 2001; Greenbaum, 1998).
2.1 Population and sample
The study population consisted of 300 students currently studying the first four
levels of an engineering degree at the Salesian Polytechnic University of
Ecuador, of whom 212 are male and the rest are female. Most respondents,
specifically 229, are between 18 and 21 years old, while 68 students are
between 22 and 35. In addition, two respondents are under 18 years old, and
one is over 35. Initially, in addition to gender and age, the 300 students were
asked in an online questionnaire to indicate the type of education they
completed their baccalaureate, with the following results: 169 completed their
baccalaureate in face-to-face mode, 24 online and 107 online.
The study sample consisted of 107 students who completed their baccalaureate
in virtual mode, as this sample was in line with the general objective of the
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
research, which was to evaluate the transition of students who had completed
their baccalaureate in virtual mode to a face-to-face higher education model in
the post-pandemic period. This sample was selected to avoid research bias and
to obtain more accurate and representative results.
2.2 Data collection
The students selected to form the sample were asked to answer 20 additional
questions designed to collect quantitative data in the same online questionnaire
that was structured in two parts, each with ten questions related to the study's
specific objectives, with the above possible, collecting objective and accurate
data about the student's experiences and perceptions concerning the study's
2.2.1 The questionnaire
The questionnaire was designed using Forms, an online tool from Microsoft that
allows to creation forms and surveys in an efficient way. In the first stage, 20
multiple-choice questions were drafted to measure the research's objectives. To
validate the questionnaire, four PhDs in educational sciences collaborated in
evaluating the instrument using a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 represented a
negative evaluation and five a positive evaluation, taking into account the
following specific criteria:
Relevance: Is the question relevant to measure the specific objective
Clarity: Is the question straightforward to understand, and does it avoid
jargon or technical language that might confuse the respondent?
Accuracy: Is the question formulated in a precise and specific manner?
Is ambiguity or vagueness avoided in the wording of the question?
Coherence: Is the question consistent with the previous and subsequent
questions in the questionnaire, and is it ordered logically and
Complexity: The question does not require specific technical knowledge
that respondents may not have.
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
The average of the four evaluations received to validate the questionnaire was
4.79, indicating a high quality in its design and content. In addition, the
evaluators provided valuable feedback to improve the instrument, which allowed
for the creation of a final version of the questionnaire that was applied in the
research. The tables 1 and 2 show the 20 questions that made up the
Table 1
Questions to measure the first specific objective
Objective: To identify the challenges that a group of students faced
during the pandemic in completing their baccalaureate and to study how
this situation may have affected their academic performance in higher
Q 1.1
What challenges did you face during your virtual baccalaureate due to
the pandemic?
Q 1.2
How did the virtual mode of education during the pandemic affect your
academic performance?
Q 1.3
What strategies did you use to adapt to face-to-face education after the
online baccalaureate?
Q 1.4
How would you rate access to educational and technological resources
during the pandemic?
Q 1.5
Do you think that the virtual baccalaureate provided you with the same
learning opportunities as face-to-face education?
Q 1.6
What aspects of face-to-face education at university did you find most
challenging after the virtual baccalaureate?
Q 1.7
Do you think face-to-face university education is more effective than
virtual baccalaureate education?
Q 1.8
Do you think that the virtual baccalaureate adequately prepared you for
face-to-face education at university?
Q 1.9
How would you rate the quality of the virtual baccalaureate compared to
face-to-face education at the university?
Q 1.10
How do you think the virtual mode of the baccalaureate affected your
ability to acquire social and communication skills necessary for social
interaction at university?
Table 2
Questions to measure the second specific objective
Objective: To analyse how students' lack of understanding of basic
principles may have impacted their learning experience during a face-to-
face mode of study.
Q 2.1
Do you feel that you had a sufficient understanding of basic principles
during your online baccalaureate?
Q 2.2
Do you think that a lack of understanding of basic principles has affected
your academic performance in face-to-face higher education?
Q 2.3
Have you had difficulties in adapting to the face-to-face mode of
university education due to a lack of understanding of basic principles?
Q 2.4
Have you had to spend more time studying basic principles to keep up
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
with the pace of face-to-face university education?
Q 2.5
Do you feel that a lack of understanding of basic principles has affected
your learning experience in face-to-face higher education?
Q 2.6
Do you think that virtual learning gave you the tools you needed to
understand basic principles?
Q 2.7
Do you feel that your virtual education adequately prepared you for face-
to-face higher education?
Q 2.8
Do you think that the lack of face-to-face interaction with your teachers
during virtual education affected your understanding of basic principles?
Q 2.9
Do you think that the lack of face-to-face interaction with your
classmates during virtual education affected your understanding of basic
Q 2.10
Do you think virtual education is suitable for teaching basic principles
fundamental to higher education?
After applying the questionnaire, the student's answers were quantified to
conduct a statistical analysis of the information and test the hypothesis put
forward. The quantitative information was then triangulated with the qualitative
data from group discussions.
2.2.2 Focus groups
After collecting quantitative data through the online questionnaire, the focus
group technique was used to collect complementary qualitative data. Four focus
groups were formed, with the voluntary participation of six students in each. The
discussion was guided by a script designed by the researcher, which allowed
for the exploration of specific topics related to the theme of the study. It was
decided to conduct only four focus groups, as, after the third group, a pattern
was observed in the opinions and responses of the participants.
The focus groups were conducted face-to-face at the university premises,
facilitating close and natural interaction between participants. Each group
focused on specific issues related to the transition from virtual to face-to-face
education in the context of the pandemic. This technique allowed for qualitative
data on students' perceptions and experiences about the specific objectives,
enriching the results obtained through the online questionnaire.
Several strategies were implemented to ensure the validity and confidentiality of
the open-ended question script. Firstly, a pilot test was conducted with a group
of participants to assess the clarity and effectiveness of the questions,
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
considering comments and feedback from participants to make changes to the
script. In addition, different types of validity were used to assess whether the
hand measured what it was intended to measure, including content, construct,
and criterion validity. In this way, the reliability of the script as a research tool
was ensured. Tables 3 y 4 present the final script used to guide the focus
groups with separate questions for each specific objective:
Table 3
Question script for measuring the first specific objective in the focus groups
Objective: To identify the challenges that a group of students faced
during the pandemic in completing their baccalaureate and to study how
this situation may have affected their academic performance in higher
S 1.1
Could you describe the main challenges you faced during the pandemic
to complete your baccalaureate?
S 1.2
How do you think these challenges might have affected your academic
performance in face-to-face higher education?
S 1.3
What resources did you use to overcome these challenges?
S 1.4
Did you receive any support from your educational institution to face
these challenges?
S 1.5
Do you feel that virtual education during the pandemic adequately
prepared you for social interaction in face-to-face higher education?
Table 4
Question script to measure the second specific objective in the focus groups
Objective: To analyse how students' lack of understanding of basic
principles may have impacted their learning experience during a face-to-
face mode of study.
S 2.1
Could you describe any issues that you consider fundamental that you
had difficulty understanding during virtual learning during the pandemic?
S 2.2
How do you think this lack of understanding might have affected your
learning experience during face-to-face higher education?
S 2.3
Have you had difficulties in adapting to the face-to-face mode of
university education due to a lack of understanding of basic principles?
S 2.4
Do you feel that virtual education during the pandemic provided you with
adequate preparation for understanding the basic principles in face-to-
face higher education? Why?
S 2.5
What changes in virtual education during the pandemic would have
helped you to understand better the basic principles needed for face-to-
face higher education? Why?
After the focus groups were held, all the information collected was organised by
the thematic classification of the generalised responses (tables 5 and 6).
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
Finally, the data was triangulation based on the results presented from the
questionnaire and the focus groups.
2.2.3 Triangulation of quantitative and qualitative data
Once the data was collected, the results obtained were triangulated by
combining quantitative and qualitative data. It allowed for a more complete and
accurate analysis of the research findings.
Firstly, quantitative analysis of the questionnaires was used to determine
general trends and statistics of the data by analysing participants' responses in
frequency and percentages. Secondly, qualitative analysis of the focus group
discussions was used to delve deeper into participants' experiences and
perceptions by analysing participants' responses regarding emerging themes
and recurring patterns.
Finally, quantitative, and qualitative data were triangulation to validate and
complement the results obtained. These findings were compared to identify
similarities, discrepancies and more complete explanations to answer our
2.3 Study limitations
Limitations of this study include the purposive sample selection of 107
participants, which may restrict the generalisability of the results to the target
population. In addition, the application of the online questionnaire may have
generated selection and response biases, which could have affected the validity
of the results. Nevertheless, measures were taken to minimise these biases,
such as ensuring the confidentiality and privacy of participants and validating
the questionnaire through experts in the field.
3. Results and Discussion
As for the analysis of the data obtained in the research, descriptive statistical
techniques were used, such as calculating frequencies and percentages. The
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
aim was to identify patterns and trends in the student's responses to the
questionnaire. In addition, content analysis was used to process the qualitative
data. This way, it was possible to identify emerging themes and categories in
the focus groups. Then, the data was triangulation to compare the quantitative
and qualitative results.
3.1 Quantitative Results: Data Analysis from the Questionnaire
The questions were classified into three cross-cutting categories for each
specific objective to carry out the quantitative analysis of the results obtained
through the questionnaire.
3.1.1 Analysis of the first specific objective
The ten questions related to the first specific objective have been classified into
three main categories addressing the following aspects: student experience in
virtual education due to the pandemic, which includes questions Q 1.1, Q 1.2, Q
1.4 y Q 1.10; the comparison between virtual and face-to-face education,
comprising the questions Q 1.5, Q 1.7 y Q 1.9; and student adaptation to face-
to-face education after virtual education, involving the questions Q 1.3, Q 1.6 y
Q 1.8.
Student experience in virtual education due to the pandemic: Appendix A.1
details the results of each question related to students' experience in virtual
education during the pandemic.
After analysing the survey conducted with the 107 students who made up the
study sample, various conclusions can be highlighted.
Regarding question Q 1.1, which sought students' opinions on the quality of
virtual education during the pandemic, 40% of respondents considered the
quality "good", while 35% rated it as "fair". This result suggests that most
students felt that virtual education during the pandemic was not optimal, but it
was sufficient to enable them to continue their education.
In question Q 1.2, which looked to discover how the virtual modality affected
students' academic performance, 32% of respondents stated that adapting was
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
challenging, and their performance temporarily decreased. At the same time,
28% indicated that their academic performance worsened due to the lack of
face-to-face interaction with peers and teachers. These findings imply that the
virtual modality presented significant challenges for students and harmed their
academic performance.
In question Q 1.4, which pursued students' opinions on access to educational
and technological resources during the pandemic, 37% of respondents felt it
was "good", while 39% rated it as "fair". Only 18% rated it as "excellent". The
above indicates that, although most students had adequate access to the
necessary resources, they had some obstacles and constraints.
Concerning question Q 1.10, which sought to find out whether students felt that
the online mode affected their ability to acquire social and communication skills
necessary for social interaction at university, 44% of respondents stated that the
online mode prevented them from developing these essential skills, suggesting
that online education presents significant challenges in terms of developing
social and communication skills.
The questionnaire results suggest that the virtual modality presented significant
challenges for high school students during the pandemic. While many could
adapt and maintain their academic performance, most felt that virtual education
presented limitations in learning opportunities and developing social and
communication skills. Considering these findings when planning and designing
future virtual learning programmes is essential to ensure that students have
adequate access to the necessary resources and can develop the skills
necessary for academic and personal success. These results are consistent
with those of other studies that have investigated students' experiences of
virtual education during the pandemic (Benites, 2021).
Therefore, virtual education programmes must be designed and planned with a
broader perspective and focus on learners' needs and expectations. It includes
special attention to the accessibility of resources and tools needed for online
learning and the promotion of online interaction and collaborative work.
Strategies for developing online communication and social skills should also be
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
implemented to ensure students' more complete and enriching learning
Comparison between virtual and face-to-face education: Appendix A.2 shows
the results of the questions aiming at the comparison between virtual and face-
to-face education.
In question Q 1.5, 12% of respondents indicated that virtual baccalaureate
education provided them with the same learning opportunities as face-to-face
education. In comparison, 24% stated that it generally did provide them with the
same opportunities with some challenges. On the other hand, 33% of
respondents believed virtual baccalaureate education provided fewer learning
opportunities than face-to-face education. In comparison, 31% indicated that it
provided them with far fewer opportunities. Overall, there is a trend towards the
perception that virtual education is less effective than face-to-face education
regarding learning opportunities.
Regarding question Q 1.7 of the questionnaire, the results show that most
respondents (67%) believe face-to-face education at university is more effective
due to more direct interaction with lecturers and other students, which allows for
more comprehensive and deeper learning. On the other hand, 21% of
respondents indicated that effectiveness depends on the type of course and the
quality of virtual education. In comparison, 9% believe that virtual education can
be equally effective due to the flexibility and accessibility it offers. It is important
to note that 3 per cent of respondents needed to learn how to answer the
Regarding question Q 1.9, which focused on the quality of the virtual versus
face-to-face bachelor’s degree at the university, 50% of the respondents
indicated that the face-to-face education at the university was of higher quality
compared to the virtual bachelor’s degree due to more interaction with teachers
and other students. On the other hand, 21% of the respondents indicated that it
was difficult to compare the quality of the two learning approaches as they had
different strengths and weaknesses. In comparison, 17% felt that the quality of
the virtual baccalaureate was equally good as the face-to-face education at the
university and did not notice a big difference in the quality of learning. In
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
addition, 11% of respondents indicated that the quality of virtual education was
better than face-to-face education because of the flexibility and accessibility it
These results reveal a range of views on the effectiveness of virtual education
compared to face-to-face education. Most respondents believe that face-to-face
education is more effective; a significant proportion of respondents believe that
effectiveness depends on the type of course and the quality of virtual education
and value the flexibility and accessibility offered by this mode of education.
These results support the idea that the quality of learning does not depend
exclusively on the mode of delivery but on other factors, such as the quality of
instruction and course design (Cano Ibarra et al., 2022; Stecuła & Wolniak,
Overall, the questionnaire results indicate that most participants consider face-
to-face education at the university to be more effective and of higher quality
than virtual education at the baccalaureate. Participants mentioned that direct
interaction with professors and classmates, achieved in face-to-face education,
fosters more comprehensive and deeper learning. In addition, the flexibility and
accessibility of virtual education were mentioned by some participants as an
advantage, but most still prefer face-to-face education at university in terms of
educational quality. These results align with previous studies that have found
that face-to-face education at university is considered more effective than virtual
education in terms of teaching and learning quality (Segovia-García et al.,
However, it is essential to note that the pandemic has led to an unprecedented
increase in virtual education, which has led to further exploration and
improvement of virtual teaching techniques and tools. As such, the quality and
effectiveness of virtual education may improve over time, which could change
students' perceptions of how it compares to face-to-face education in the future.
Student adaptation to face-to-face education after virtual education: This
category was analysed from the results summarised in the appendix A.3, where
it can be seen in question Q 1.3, related to the strategies used by students to
adapt to face-to-face education after the bachelor's degree in virtual mode, that
the majority of students (50%) established a daily routine and study schedule to
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
make sure they were up to date with their homework and assignments. In
addition, more than half of the students (53%) used virtual resources and tools,
such as virtual tutorials and digital libraries, to complement their classroom
learning. These results suggest that students were willing to change their study
methods to adapt to face-to-face education.
In question Q 1.6, which asked about the aspects of face-to-face education at
university that were most challenging after the virtual bachelor's degree, it was
found that lack of social interaction was the biggest challenge reported by
students (55%). In addition, the pace of classes (46%) and attention in the
classroom (48%) were also reported as significant challenges. It suggests that
students may need additional support to adapt to face-to-face education
classes' social interaction and pace.
In question Q 1.8, which asked whether students felt that the online bachelor's
degree adequately prepared them for face-to-face education at university, it was
found that a large percentage of students (40%) did not feel that online
education provided them with sufficient social and practical interaction to
prepare them for face-to-face education at university adequately. In addition, a
considerable percentage of students (22%) felt that virtual education prepared
them only to a limited extent for face-to-face education. Given the results, virtual
education cannot provide complete preparation for students for face-to-face
education, indicating certain limitations that need to be considered in the design
and implementation of virtual educational programmes.
Overall, the results of these questions suggest that adapting to face-to-face
education after the online baccalaureate may be challenging for students and
require changes in their study methods and additional support. In addition, the
results indicate that virtual education may have limitations in preparing students
for face-to-face teaching. These results are consistent with other research on
virtual and face-to-face education (López-Aguilar et al., 2022; Mohammadzadeh
et al., 2022), which suggests integrating novel educational methods into
curricula to optimise training and minimise the adverse effects of the pandemic
on education.
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
These partial results reveal that students who completed their bachelor's degree
in virtual mode during the pandemic faced challenges such as a lack of social
interaction and difficulty maintaining motivation. In addition, virtual education
may have limitations in preparing students for face-to-face teaching, affecting
their academic performance in higher education. There is a need for additional
support for students in their transition to face-to-face education and more
research on how virtual education may affect students' preparation. Exploring
ways to improve students' practice for face-to-face teaching and encourage
social interaction would be beneficial. These findings could influence how virtual
education and face-to-face education are approached.
3.1.2 Analysis of the second specific objective
About the second specific objective, three cross-cutting themes were identified,
addressing the following aspects: understanding basic principles in virtual
education and their impact on face-to-face higher education, comprising
questions Q 2.1, Q 2.2, Q 2.3, Q 2.4 and Q 2.5; preparing virtual education for
face-to-face higher education, comprising questions Q 2.6 y Q 2.7; and face-to-
face interaction and its impact on the understanding of basic principles during
virtual education, comprising questions Q 2.8, Q 2.9 y Q 2.10.
Understanding basic principles in virtual education and their impact on face-to-
face higher education: Virtual education has become an increasingly common
mode of delivery today. However, its impact on understanding the basic
principles and its relationship to academic performance in face-to-face higher
education is still a matter of debate. This part of the research sought to assess
university students' perceptions of their understanding of basic principles during
their online bachelor's degree and its relationship to academic performance in
face-to-face higher education. The appendix A.4 shows the detailed results
described in the following lines.
The results indicate that 60% of the respondents needed more support to
understand basic principles during their virtual bachelor's, or they felt they
needed more practical examples to improve their understanding. In addition,
48% believe that a lack of knowledge of fundamental principles has harmed
their academic performance in face-to-face higher education. Furthermore, 38%
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
of the respondents have needed help adapting to the face-to-face mode of
university education due to the lack of these principles. This result suggests that
including practical activities can be beneficial in improving the understanding of
basic principles in virtual learning.
Based on the above, many respondents experienced difficulties understanding
the basic principles during their virtual bachelor's. This lack of understanding
has negatively affected their academic performance in face-to-face higher
education and has made some of them have difficulties adapting to the face-to-
face mode of university education. These results highlight the importance of
providing adequate support to students during virtual education to transition to
face-to-face education and continue their academic success effectively.
Regarding the need for more understanding of the basic principles of the
learning experience in face-to-face higher education, 76% of respondents
believe it has had a negative impact to a greater or lesser extent. These
findings are consistent with previous research that has found that virtual
education can harm the understanding of the basic principles and their
relationship to academic performance in face-to-face higher education (Ferrer
et al., 2023). In this regard, it is essential to consider these results when
designing virtual learning programmes and evaluating the effectiveness of this
in the long term.
Preparing virtual education for face-to-face higher education: The data
presented in the appendix A.5 shows a mixed perception among respondents.
In question Q 2.6, which asked whether virtual education provided the
necessary tools to understand critical issues, 32% of respondents said no, while
47% said yes or to some extent. It is important to note that these responses
may be influenced by factors such as the quality of the virtual education
received and the respondents' previous experience with virtual learning.
Therefore, further research in this area is recommended to obtain a more
complete picture of the benefits and limitations of virtual learning in
understanding key topics.
In this regard, other studies point out that virtual education can effectively teach
the basic principles as long as appropriate pedagogical strategies are used
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
(Villa-Ochoa et al., 2023), and interaction between students and teachers is
encouraged. In addition, the results can be influenced by factors such as the
level of motivation and the student's self-management skills.
In question Q 2.7, which asked whether virtual education adequately prepared
them for face-to-face higher education, 41% of respondents said no, while 48%
said yes or to some extent. However, it is essential to note that virtual and face-
to-face education are not mutually exclusive but can complement and reinforce
each other. Therefore, the results suggest that virtual education can effectively
teach the basic principles and prepare for face-to-face higher education,
provided that appropriate pedagogical strategies are implemented and
interaction between students and teachers is encouraged.
Face-to-face interaction and its impact on the understanding of the basic
principles in virtual education: Concluding the analysis of the quantitative
results, appendix A.6 shows the statistics obtained for questions Q 2.8, Q 2.9,
and Q 2.10 of the questionnaire.
In the responses to questions Q 2.8 and Q 2.9, most respondents indicated that
the lack of face-to-face interaction with teachers and classmates during virtual
education negatively affected their understanding of the basic principles.
Approximately 77% and 65% of respondents indicated that the lack of
interaction affected their knowledge of essential topics at least somewhat.
The above is a common concern in virtual education, as in-person interaction
and non-verbal communication can be essential to students' understanding and
practical learning (Wang et al., 2022). That is, a lack of in-person interaction can
lead to increased isolation and disconnection from the learning community,
which can negatively affect students' motivation and engagement.
Regarding question Q 2.10, most respondents (78%) indicated that virtual
education is suitable for teaching basic principles, although only 18% said it is
entirely reasonable. It suggests that students consider virtual education
effective for certain types of learning and that it can be a complement or
alternative to face-to-face teaching.
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
Based on the above, it can be assumed that students who completed
secondary education in virtual mode during the pandemic faced significant
challenges in transitioning to face-to-face teachings, such as a lack of social
interaction and difficulty maintaining motivation. However, the effectiveness of
virtual education depends mainly on how it is integrated into the higher
education curriculum, with curriculum designs adapted to a post-pandemic
reality (Engelbrecht et al., 2023). Therefore, educators and institutions should
prioritise the effective implementation and integration of virtual education by
providing additional support to students, fostering communication and
collaboration among them, and conducting further research to improve the
quality of education in all domains.
Furthermore, this study phase highlights that the lack of face-to-face interaction
during virtual education can harm understanding the basic principles. However,
most students still consider virtual education suitable for teaching these
subjects to some extent. Therefore, priority should be given to implementing
and integrating virtual education in higher education to maximise its
3.2 Qualitative Results: Analysis from the Focus Group Discussions
The qualitative data obtained through the focus groups related to students'
learning experience during virtual education in the context of the COVID-19
pandemic and their transition to face-to-face education are discussed below.
The focus groups provided a platform for participants to share their
experiences, perspectives, and opinions on the challenges they faced during
virtual education and their expectations and perceptions of face-to-face
teaching. The data analysis sought to identify the recurring themes that
emerged in the focus groups to understand better the student's experience and
the basic principles that require attention in transitioning from virtual to face-to-
face education.
The student responses to each question were categorized into generic themes
for easy analysis and presentation, as shown in Tables 5 and 6.
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
Table 5
Responses classified by themes for the first specific objective
Adaptation, access to technology, lack of motivation,
mental health problems, lack of concentration, limited
interaction with peers and teachers, challenges in time
management and organisation of schoolwork.
during the
Difficulty in completing homework, participating in
classes, and meeting deadlines. Poor performance and
difficulty in keeping up with the pace of the course.
Support from family and friends, participation in virtual
study groups, finding online resources and working in a
structured environment to separate academics from
personal life.
Strategies to
Little or no support was received from their educational
institutions to address these challenges. Those who
received some support mentioned providing online
resources and emotional support from teachers.
Some students reported that they experienced a lack of
social interaction during virtual education, which
affected their ability to interact with their peers and
teachers in face-to-face teaching. They also indicated
that virtual education did not provide them with the
social and emotional skills necessary to adapt
adequately to face-to-face instruction.
In terms of the challenges faced by students during the pandemic (S 1.1),
several factors have been mentioned, such as adaptation to virtual education,
lack of access to appropriate technology, lack of motivation, mental health
issues, lack of concentration, limited interaction with peers and teachers,
challenges in time management and organisation of schoolwork. These findings
suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted students'
educational experience and that multiple challenges have emerged that need to
be addressed to improve the quality of education in similar situations.
On the other hand, regarding academic performance (S 1.2), students reported
difficulties in completing assignments, participating in classes, and meeting
deadlines, which has affected their ability to keep up with the pace of the course
and their overall performance. These results are worrying, as they indicate that
virtual education could harm students' academic performance if the challenges
related to adapting to this mode of delivery are not adequately addressed.
Therefore, educational institutions must consider these challenges when
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
developing future teaching and support strategies for students facing similar
Concerning the strategies used by students to overcome challenges during the
pandemic (S 1.3), the importance of support from family and friends was
highlighted, as well as the search for online resources. Participation in virtual
study groups and the need to work in a structured environment to separate
academic work from personal life were also mentioned. These results indicate
that students had to draw on various resources and strategies to overcome the
challenges of the pandemic and suggest that adaptability and resilience are
important factors for academic success during difficult times. However, it is
essential to note that institutional support was rare and that students had to rely
heavily on their own ingenuity and personal resources to cope with these
In question S 1.4, it was revealed that most of the students surveyed needed
more support from their educational institutions to face the challenges of virtual
education. Those who received some support mentioned providing online
resources and emotional support from teachers. These findings highlight the
need for educational institutions to provide more comprehensive and practical
support to students during crises, such as the pandemic, so that they can
overcome challenges more effectively and succeed in their education.
Finally, in question S 1.5, it was revealed that most students felt unprepared for
face-to-face education due to various reasons. Lack of social and emotional
skills needed to interact with peers and teachers, poor quality of education
received during virtual education and lack of social interaction were the main
factors. The results mentioned are consistent with other research conducted
during the COVID-19 pandemic that has highlighted the multiple challenges
students face in virtual education, including lack of motivation, mental health
issues and difficulties managing time and schoolwork. Previous studies have
also mentioned the importance of emotional support and online resources.
Overall, these findings underline the need for educational institutions to provide
more comprehensive and practical support to students during crises and to
work to prepare students effectively for face-to-face education.
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
Against this background, educational institutions must take steps to adequately
prepare students for the transition from virtual to face-to-face education.
Attention needs to be paid to academic content and the development of social
and emotional skills that enable them to interact effectively with their peers and
teachers in a face-to-face learning environment. In addition, educational quality
issues must be addressed during virtual education to ensure that students
receive adequate instruction and are prepared for the next step (UNESCO,
2022). Overall, educational institutions must consider these factors and work to
prepare students for face-to-face teaching effectively.
Table 6 shows the ranking of the answers obtained by the students after sorting
by general topics.
Table 6
Responses classified by themes for the second specific objective
S 2.1
Participants mentioned different topics they considered
fundamental, such as calculus, physics, chemistry, and
statistics. Some indicated they had difficulties
understanding these topics due to the lack of
interaction with teachers and classmates during virtual
Deficiencies in
the basic
S 2.2
Students indicated that a lack of understanding of
basic principles might have negatively affected their
learning experience during face-to-face higher
education. Some of these topics are necessary to
understand other concepts in later courses. In addition,
a lack of understanding could affect their ability to keep
up with and actively participate in class.
Impacting the
S 2.3
Some participants noted needing help adjusting to the
face-to-face teaching mode due to a need for more
understanding of the basic principles. One of the main
problems mentioned was the fast pace of teaching in
face-to-face higher education compared to virtual
Difficulties in
adjusting to the
S 2.4
Students indicated that virtual education during the
pandemic needed to adequately prepare them for
face-to-face higher education in terms of
understanding basic principles. They noted that a lack
of practice in problem-solving was among the factors
that contributed to this lack of preparation.
S 2.5
Participants noted that implementing changes to virtual
education during the pandemic, such as increased
interaction with professors and classmates, immediate
feedback and the inclusion of more hands-on activities,
needed in
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
would have improved their understanding of the basic
principles needed for face-to-face higher education.
Based on the participants' responses, a lack of understanding of fundamental
topics can significantly affect the learning experience during a face-to-face
mode of study in higher education. Students mentioned that the lack of
interaction with lecturers and classmates was one of the main reasons they
needed help understanding these topics.
This finding is consistent with previous literature, highlighting the importance of
social and academic interaction in students' learning in higher education. Lack
of interaction can limit students' ability to ask questions and receive immediate
feedback on their work, affecting their understanding and ability to participate in
class actively. In addition, students indicated that a lack of knowledge of the
basic principles may also affect their ability to keep up with and actively
participate in class. It can increase the risk of students feeling demotivated and
disengaged from learning.
On the other hand, students also highlighted that virtual education during the
pandemic did not adequately prepare them to understand fundamental topics.
Lack of practice in problem-solving was one of the factors contributing to this
lack of preparation. It suggests the need to improve the quality of virtual
education and to ensure that students have access to sufficient opportunities for
practice and feedback to develop fundamental skills and knowledge.
Findings from the group discussions highlight the need to address fundamental
topics in higher education that should have been acquired in the baccalaureate
to improve students' learning experience in face-to-face study modes. These
results have important implications for educational practice and suggest the
need for careful attention to core subjects in higher education. Specifically,
lecturers may consider strategies that allow for more immediate interaction and
feedback with students and include more hands-on activities to enhance
understanding of these essential topics. In addition, the results highlight the
importance of well-structured virtual education for face-to-face higher education.
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
On the other hand, students also highlighted that virtual education during the
pandemic did not adequately prepare them to understand fundamental topics.
Lack of practice in problem-solving was one of the factors contributing to this
lack of preparation. It suggests the need to improve the quality of virtual
education and to ensure that students have access to sufficient opportunities for
practice and feedback to develop fundamental skills and knowledge.
Findings from the group discussions highlight the need to address fundamental
topics in higher education that should have been acquired in the baccalaureate
to improve students' learning experience in face-to-face study modes. These
results have important implications for educational practice and suggest the
need for careful attention to the basic principles in higher education.
Specifically, lecturers may consider strategies that allow for more immediate
interaction and feedback with students and include more hands-on activities to
enhance understanding of these essential topics. In addition, the results
highlight the importance of well-structured virtual education for face-to-face
higher education.
Thus, strategies are needed to improve social and academic interaction in the
classroom and improve the quality of virtual education and the preparation of
students for the face-to-face mode of study. It could enhance understanding of
the basic principles required for face-to-face higher education and ultimately
improve students' learning experience and academic success.
3.3 Results Triangulation: Analysis of Quantitative and Qualitative Data
About the first specific objective, the results of quantitative data revealed that
most students faced difficulties adapting to virtual education during the
pandemic, resulting in a temporary decrease in their academic performance.
Furthermore, virtual education presented significant challenges in limited
access to educational and technological resources and social and
communication skill development. Qualitative data suggest that virtual
education may harm students' academic performance if the challenges of
adapting to this teaching mode are not adequately addressed.
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
Regarding the comparison between virtual and face-to-face education, both
quantitative and qualitative data indicate that most students believe that face-to-
face education is more effective and of higher quality than virtual education in
high school. However, a significant proportion of respondents believe that
effectiveness depends on the type of course and the quality of virtual education.
Likewise, quantitative, and qualitative data suggest that transitioning from virtual
education to face-to-face education in the post-pandemic period presents
unique challenges. Students were willing to change their study methods to
adapt to face-to-face education, but they may need additional support to adjust
to social interaction and the pace of classes. Additionally, most students felt
unprepared for face-to-face education due to a lack of social and emotional
skills, poor quality of education received during virtual education, and lack of
social interaction.
On the other hand, concerning the second specific objective, triangulation of the
results obtained suggests that virtual education may harm understanding
fundamental topics, which can negatively affect academic performance in face-
to-face higher education. Online interaction during virtual education can also
help in understanding fundamental topics. However, virtual education can
effectively teach fundamental topics and prepare for face-to-face higher
education if appropriate pedagogical strategies are implemented and interaction
between students and teachers is encouraged.
Furthermore, qualitative findings highlight the need to revisit fundamental topics
in higher education and improve the quality of virtual education. Specifically, in
virtual education, teachers may consider strategies that allow for more
significant interaction and immediate feedback with students and include more
practical activities to enhance understanding of these essential topics.
Additionally, strategies must be implemented to improve the interaction between
students and teachers during virtual education.
4. Conclusions
In conclusion, the data obtained in this research support the hypothesis that the
rapid transformation to virtual education due to the COVID-19 pandemic has
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
harmed students' learning and academic performance and that the transition
from a virtual baccalaureate to face-to-face higher education in the post-
pandemic period has presented unique challenges and required specific
adaptation strategies. The results also suggest that a lack of social and
emotional skills and poor educational quality may have left students in a difficult
situation to adapt to face-to-face education in higher education. These findings
are essential for educators and educational institutions in designing and
implementing virtual education programmes and in planning for the transition to
face-to-face teaching in the future since, although it is no longer a pandemic
where this type of education is mandatory, it is becoming increasingly common
for educational institutions to have virtual offerings in their academic
Finally, it is recommended that virtual education programmes be designed with
the results of this research in mind and that attention be paid to the
implementation and effective integration of virtual education in higher education
to maximise its effectiveness. It is essential that the fundamental issues in
higher education are revisited and that interaction between students and
teachers is encouraged in both virtual and face-to-face education.
Results obtained in the questionnaire for first specific objective.
Appendix A.1
Student experience of virtual education due to the pandemic
1.1-What challenges did you face during your virtual
baccalaureate due to the
Lack of face-to-face interaction with my peers and teachers
Difficulty in staying motivated and focused in virtual
Lack of access to appropriate technology equipment and
tools at home.
Difficulty in adapting to new virtual education systems and
Lack of emotional support and mental well-being.
Lack of opportunities to participate in extra-curricular
activities and social events.
1.2 How did the virtual mode of education during the
pandemic affect your academic performance?
It improved my academic performance due to the flexibility
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
that virtual learning offers.
My academic performance deteriorated due to the lack of
face-to-face interaction with my peers and teachers.
I found it challenging to adapt to virtual education and my
academic performance temporarily decreased.
Despite the challenges, I was able to maintain my academic
performance thanks to the help and support of my teachers
and classmates.
1.4 How would you rate access to educational and
technological resources during the pandemic?
Excellent: Students had easy and full access to the
necessary educational and technological resources.
students generally had adequate access to the necessary
educational and technological resources.
Fair: Students faced some challenges in accessing the
necessary educational and technological resources.
Poor: Students had limited or no access to the necessary
educational and technological resources.
1.10-How do you think the virtual mode of the baccalaureate
affected your ability to acquire social and communication
skills necessary for social interaction at university?
I had enough opportunities to develop social and
communication skills.
The virtual mode of the baccalaureate prevented me from
developing social and communication skills.
The virtual mode of the baccalaureate did not significantly
affect my ability to acquire social and communication skills.
I am not sure.
Appendix A.2
Comparison between virtual and face-to-face education
1.5-Do you think that the virtual baccalaureate provided you
with the same learning opportunities as face-to-face
Yes, definitely.
In general, yes: albeit with some challenges.
I am not sure.
No, definitely not.
1.7- Do you think face-to-face university education is more
effective than virtual baccalaureate education?
Yes, because it allows for more direct interaction with
teachers and other students, which fosters more complete
and deeper learning.
It depends on the course type and the virtual education
quality. If a good platform is used and sufficient virtual
interaction with teachers and other students is provided, then
it can be equally effective.
Not necessarily, as virtual education can offer greater
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
flexibility and accessibility for those with personal and
professional responsibilities.
I don't know, as it depends on many factors, such as the
quality of education, the type of subject taught, the type of
student and personal preference.
1.9-How would you rate the quality of the virtual
baccalaureate compared to faceto-face education at the
I think the quality of my online baccalaureate was just as
good as the face-to-face education at the university, and I did
not notice a big difference in the quality of learning.
Overall, I feel that the face-to-face education at the university
has been of higher quality than my online bachelor's degree
due to more interaction with professors and other students.
I believe that the quality of my education in the virtual
baccalaureate was better than the face-to-face education at
the university because of the flexibility and accessibility it
I believe that the quality of my education in the virtual
baccalaureate and the face-to-face education at the
university are difficult to compare, as they are different
learning approaches with different strengths and
Appendix A.3
Student adaptation to face-to-face education after virtual education
1.3 What strategies did you use to adapt to face-to-face
education after the virtual
Attend orientation sessions and workshops offered by the
university for first-level students.
Established a daily routine and study schedule to ensure I
was on top of my homework and assignments.
Ask questions and seek help from teachers and classmates
when I had doubts or difficulties.
Participate in extracurricular activities and social events to
meet other students and make connections.
Use virtual resources and tools, such as virtual tutorials and
digital libraries, to complement my classroom learning.
1.6-What aspects of face-to-face education at university did
you find most challenging after the virtual baccalaureate?
Lack of social interaction: Difficulty in adjusting to social
interaction in a face-to-face university environment,
especially if you are not used to working in a team with other
Attention in the classroom: Challenge to maintain attention in
a university classroom due to the presence of other students
and other stimuli.
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
Time management: Difficulty managing time effectively to
fulfil all responsibilities, including attending classes and
meeting deadlines for assignments.
Pace of classes: Adapt to the pace of classes in a face-to-
face university environment, which may be faster than you
are used to.
Workload: Difficulty managing your workload, especially if
you have other responsibilities such as a part-time job or
extracurricular activities.
1.8-Do you think that the virtual baccalaureate adequately
prepared you for face-to-face education at university?
Yes, I believe that the online baccalaureate prepared me
adequately for face-to-face education at university.
To some extent, as virtual education allowed me to acquire
valuable knowledge and skills, but it did not fully prepared
me for the face-to-face university environment.
Not really, as virtual education did not offer enough social
interaction and practice to prepare me for face-to-face
education at university adequately.
It depends on the courses and the quality of the virtual
education I received, but in general I feel that I could have
been better prepared if I had more experience in a face-to-
face environment.
Results obtained in the questionnaire for the second specific objective.
Appendix A.4
Understanding basic principles in virtual education and their impact on face-to-face higher
2.1-Do you feel that you had a sufficient understanding of
basic principles during your online baccalaureate?
Yes, I think that was enough.
No, I feel I needed more support to understand the basic
While I think I understood most of the basic principles, I think
it would have been useful to have more practical examples
and exercises.
I am unsure if my understanding was sufficient during my
virtual baccalaureate; I would have to evaluate my
performance and knowledge in each subject.
2.2-Do you think that a lack of understanding of basic
principles has affected your academic performance in face-
to-face higher education?
No, I don't think so.
Yes, I feel it has had a negative impact on my academic
I am unsure, as I am still in my first year of face-to-face
higher education and have not had enough opportunity to
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
assess how my prior knowledge has affected my
I think the lack of understanding of some fundamental
subjects has affected my performance in certain subjects, but
overall, it has not been a determining factor in my academic
2.3-Have you had difficulties in adapting to the face-to-face
mode of university education due to a lack of understanding
of basic principles?
Yes, I have had difficulties.
No, I have had no difficulties.
I have had some difficulties in adapting, but not necessarily
due to a lack of understanding of the basic principles.
I cannot determine whether the lack of understanding of the
basic principles has affected my adaptation to the face-to-
face mode of university education, as I have had other
factors that have also played a role.
2.4-Have you had to spend more time studying basic
principles in order to keep up with the pace of face-to-face
university education?
Yes, I had to invest a lot of time in it.
I had to invest some time.
No, I didn't have to invest a lot of time.
No, I didn't have to invest any time.
2.5-Do you feel that a lack of understanding of basic
principles has affected your learning experience in face-to-
face higher education?
Yes, it has definitely done so negatively.
Yes, I think it has affected my learning experience in face-to-
face higher education a bit.
No, I don't think it has affected my learning experience in
face-to-face higher education very much.
No, it has not affected my face-to-face higher education
learning experience.
Appendix A.5
Preparing virtual education for face-to-face higher education
2.6- Do you think that virtual education gave you the tools
you needed to understand basic principles?
Yes, virtual education provided me with the necessary tools
to understand the basic principles.
Yes, to some extent, virtual education gave me the tools I
needed to understand the basic principles.
No, virtual education did not provide me with the necessary
tools to understand the basic principles.
I am unsure if virtual education gave me the tools to
understand the basic principles.
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
2.7- Do you feel that your virtual education adequately
prepared you for face-to-face higher education?
Yes, my virtual education prepared me adequately for face-
to-face higher education.
Yes, to some extent, my virtual education prepared me for
face-to-face higher education.
No, my virtual education did not adequately prepare me for
face-to-face higher education.
I am unsure if my virtual education prepared me adequately
for face-to-face higher education.
Appendix A.6
Face-to-face interaction and its impact on the understanding of basic principles in virtual
2.8- Do you think that the lack of face-to-face interaction with
your teachers during virtual education affected your
understanding of basic principles?
Yes, definitely.
Yes, I think it affected it a little bit.
No, I don't think it has affected me.
No, it did not affect it at all.
2.9-Do you think that the lack of face-to-face interaction with
your classmates during virtual education affected your
understanding of basic principles?
Yes, it definitely had a negative impact.
Yes, I think it affected it a bit.
No, I don't think it has affected much.
No, it did not affect it at all.
2.10- Do you think virtual education is suitable for teaching
basic principles fundamental to higher education?
Yes, virtual education is appropriate.
Yes, to some extent virtual education is appropriate.
No, virtual education is not adequate.
I am not sure.
This work has not received any specific grants from funding agencies in the
public, commercial, or non-profit sectors.
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 23 (2) Julio-Diciembre de 2023 ISSN: 1695-324X
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