Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
La robótica como herramienta didáctica para personas con desórdenes en el
espectro del autismo: una revisión sistemática
Itsaso Arocena Perez
University of the Basque Country (Spain)
Asier Huegun Burgos
University of the Basque Country (Spain)
Itziar Rekalde Rodríguez
University of the Basque Country (Spain)
Recibido: 01/02/2021
Evaluado: 04/03/2021
Revisado: 06/05/2021
Aceptado: 24/05/2021
Este artículo describe los resultados cuantitativos y cualitativos de un estudio
cuyo objetivo es identificar las tendencias y oportunidades de innovación en el
campo de la robótica socioeducativa, utilizada como herramienta didáctica, con
el fin de desarrollar las diferentes habilidades, destrezas y competencias de los
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
estudiantes con necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo escolarizados;
estudiantes con trastornos del espectro del autismo específicamente. Para ello
se ha realizado una revisión sistemática de la literatura, mediante una
estrategia de búsqueda rigurosamente definida. Los resultados obtenidos
permiten identificar los avances en cuanto a modelos didácticos basados en el
uso de la robótica como herramienta educativa, actividades pedagógicas y
recursos didácticos; criterios, estrategias e instrumentos de evaluación y
experiencias de aplicación en contextos escolares reales
This article describes the quantitative and qualitative results of a study aimed to
identify the trends and innovation opportunities in the social robotics area. Using
robots as a didactic tool to develop different skills, abilities, and competencies of
students with specific educational support needs who attend mainstream school
classes; students with autism spectrum disorders specifically. A systematic
review of the literature was carried out through a rigorously defined search
strategy. The results obtained allow us to identify the advances in didactic
models based on robotics as an educational tool, pedagogical activities and
didactic resources, evaluation criteria, strategies and instruments, and
application experiences in real school contexts.
Palabras Clave: Trastornos del espectro del autismo, escuela, robótica socio-
Keywords: Autism spectrum disorders, school, social robotics
Social robotics represents an innovative area, especially in education (Bekele,
Crittendon, Swanson, Sarkar & Warren, 2014). During the last years, articles
written about social robotics have multiplied (Billard, Robins, Nadel &
Dautenhahn, 2007). Day by day, more researchers begin to see robots as
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
valuable tools in educational processes, especially for those with special
educational needs.
In the case of people with autism specifically, many experiences show us how
they are attracted to social robots, how they like and enjoy spending time with
them (Fortis, Goedert & Barrett, 2011; Dunst, Trivette, Prior, Hamby & Embler,
2013; Huskens, Palmen, Van der Werff, Lourens & Barakova. 2015). However,
do robots give them something positive besides fun? Do they improve their
quality of life in any way?
When we review the literature about social robotics written lately, we can see
that it is not easy to find special educators or teachers in the primary databases
on education (Web of Science, Scopus, and ERIC). Most of the articles are
written from computer engineering or mechanical engineering. That is, they
have not been addressed from an educational point of view.
Autism spectrum disorders nowadays
Which are the main theories about ASD?
There are several explanatory theories of autism spectrum disorders. These are
the ones that are commonly accepted by the scientific community (Wellman,
Theory of mind
The theory of mind allows us to modulate our social behavior, makes us able to
put ourselves in the place of the other, and makes us understand our emotional
circumstances (Yun, Choi, Park, Bong & Yoo, 2017).
We decipher what is in the other's mind using the information given by their
facial expression, body posture, and intonation to express themselves
(BaronCohen, Campbell, KarmiloffSmith, Grant & Walker, 1995). The more we
know a person, the more we know about their knowledge, intentions, beliefs,
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
and desires, and the easier it gets for us to know what is "going through their
mind." In ASD, the theory of mind deficits carries difficulties, such as
understanding one's mind and others' minds, understanding the rules that
regulate social interaction, communicative use of language, and symbolic game
(Baron-Cohen et al., 1995).
Central coherence theory
Central coherence theory claims that people on the spectrum of autism tend to
process information in high-level units of meaning, losing details (Valdez, 2001).
On the one hand, this information processing involves a more remarkable ability
for analytical tasks and better processing of the visual versus the linguistic. On
the other hand, less ability in global stimulus processing, difficulties in
differentiating relevant information from irrelevant information, and problems
processing the information in a contextualized way (Martos-Pérez, Llorente-
Comí, 2013).
Executive function theory
The executive functions are necessary mental abilities. They give us context to
execute our mental functions efficiently (Willcutt, Doyle, Nigg, Faraone &
Pennington, 2005). We can say that they unify, order, and coordinate all other
cognitive functions. Deficits in executive function explain the rigidity people on
the spectrum experiment when facing changes, problems to define goals and
design strategies, difficulties in anticipating the future, presence of repetitive,
stereotyped behavior, and restricted interests (Hujinen, Lexis, Jansens & de
Witte, 2016).
Extreme male brain theory
This theory was proposed by Simon Baron-Cohen (2002). Although it is
becoming increasingly unpopular, extreme male brain theory argues that there
are differences between male and female brains. ASD people's brains could act
as they have a male brain taken to the extreme. The observable characteristics
would be more systematic thinking, more detail fixing, less empathic capacities,
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
less social abilities, and less skilled conversation (Warren, Zheng, Das, Young,
Swanson, Weitlauf & Sarkar, 2015).
Why is it important to develop joint-attention in children with ASD?
People who grow up and progress ordinarily develop joint attention mainly
through symbolic play and effective interaction with their caregivers. First joint
attention signs begin to occur between 9 and 18 months of age (Charman,
2003). On the contrary, this phenomenon does not occur in people who are
within the autistic spectrum. Unlike children with typical development, children
with ASD are often more involved with their thoughts and feelings than with
other people (Carrasco, Alarcón & Trianes, 2018; Charman, 2003; Matsuda,
Nunez, Hirokawa, Yamamoto & Suzuki, 2017).
Joint attention consists of a group of nonverbal behaviors that include directing
the gaze, pointing, and teaching objects, which refer to external stimuli during a
communicative exchange (Nowell, Watson, Faldowski & Baranek, 2018), as
well as the ability to keep focused on something simultaneously with our
partners (Carrasco et al., 2018).
This ability allows us to cooperate and socialize with others. Interacting with
other children during childhood is fundamental to developing the social and
language skills we need in adulthood (Matsuda et al., 2017).
In addition, as seen in Figure 1, we know that joint attention is a pivotal ability,
so to say, a skill that is fundamental for developing other areas of functioning.
Because of this, the development of pivotal abilities produces generalized
behavioral improvements in children (Charman, 2003; Weiss and Harris, 2016).
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
Figure 1. Structure of pivotal abilities
Note. Prepared by the author based on Charman, 2003; Nowell et al. 2018; Matsuda et al.,
We can conclude that by developing these essential or key skills, we will
naturally improve all others, thus working on a generalized development of the
quality of life of the person with ASD and facilitating their daily routines.
Which are the common interventions to develop joint-attention in primary and
secondary school?
Below are different interventions that are currently used to improve the quality of
life of people with ASD (Fuentes-Biggi, Ferrari-Arroyo, Boada-Muñoz, Touriño-
Aguilera, Artigas-Pallarés, Belinchón-Carmona & Díez-Cuervo, 2006). There
are many more, but we have chosen those based on scientific evidence.
The Discrete Trial Training (DTT) method breaks down specific skills in small
steps, which are learned gradually, so they are taught from attention skills to
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
more complex ones such as verbal skills or social behaviors. It starts from
simple skills, increasing complexity as the child progresses (Mulas, Ros-
Cervera, Millá, Etchepareborda, Abad & Téllez de Meneses, 2010). The
methodology is based on four elements:
First of all, the therapist presents a stimulus as a precise order or question. If
necessary, the order is followed by reinforcement. Secondly, the child responds
correctly or incorrectly. Finally, the therapist provides a consequence: a correct
answer receives a boost while an incorrect one is ignored or corrected.
The Denver model presents a checklist composed of four levels of objectives
divided into months old the child is (Kim, Berkovits, Bernier, Leyzberg, Shic,
Paul & Scassellati, 2013). The model divides the development of the child into
four levels: 12 to 18 months, 18 to 24 months, 24 to 36 months, and 36 to 48
months. These goals are milestones that children with ASD need to improve to
achieve a better quality of life in their early years. This curriculum was designed
from the observation of babies with ASD symptoms to reinforce those most
challenging areas. The evaluation is done together with the parents and is
mainly observational (Rogers & Dawson, 2010).
Pivotal Response Training (PRT) is a variation of Applied Behavioral Analysis
(ABA) type therapy. It focuses on pivotal areas: increasing a child's motivation
to learn, initiating communication, joint attention, and self-regulation. By
focusing on these main areas, the effects of treatment carry over into many
aspects of a child's behavior and skills, including social, communicative, and
academic skills (Minjarez, Mercier, Williams & Hardan, 2013).
PRT incorporates into the child's everyday routine, along with family members,
peers, teachers, and other professionals (Forment-Dasca, 2017). Each program
is carefully customized to the needs of a specific child. The essential
components of PRT include:
Treatment takes place in the natural environment of the kid: home or
Family involvement
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
Coordination with professionals across all environments (teachers,
Treatment focused on pivotal areas.
The SCERTS model plans objectives for the child with ASD to meet for a
comprehensive evaluation of this in all its contexts. The SAP (SCERTS
Assessment Process) is a model evaluation process made of two parts; the
recording one and the observational one. It is a long and extensive process and
allows educators to determine the key objectives in the intervention. It is
composed of three stages.
The first one is the social partner stage. The child communicates with their
peers through presymbolic communication systems, gestures, or vocalizations.
The second one is the linguistic couple stage, where the child communicates
with peers by single words to combinations of several words besides early
symbolic communication systems. Finally, the conversational couple stage,
where the child communicates with their peers through phrases and interactive
Is it possible to use social robotics as educational intervention tools?
Understanding and using social skills is the most challenging developmental
area for people with autism spectrum disorders (Weiss and Harris, 2016). They
feel, live, and express their affection and emotions in different and personal
ways, making communicative exchanges complicated, which can cause
frustration on the participants of said communicative actions.
During the last decades, various types of educational interventions using
animals have emerged, especially for people with functional diversity. The value
of these interventions assisted by animals is commonly accepted; contact with
an animal positively influences the self-perception of the human being and
stimulates their social behavior. This effect is called a social catalyst since it
facilitates interpersonal interactions (Beetz, Uvnäs-Moberg, Julius & Kotrschal,
2012). Dealing with animals makes people with ASD trust others more easily,
develop greater empathy and increase their self-esteem, as they feel able to do
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
something difficult for them (Simut, Vanderfaeillie, Peca, Van de Perre &
Vanderborght, 2016).
The animals that have proven to be most effective are dogs. However, we can
also find studies conducted with horses, cats, and other animals, which show
beneficial effects of this type of intervention in people with ASD (Silva, Correia,
Lima, Magalhães & de Sousa, 2011).
The most significant difference between using animals and using robots as a
social catalyst lies in controlling the situation. Pets can be trained to be great
therapists, but animals will always have a series of unexpected behaviors facing
a situation, which we can not completely control. However, we can fully program
a robot and adapt it to respond to the needs that arise during an interaction.
This control gives us flexibility and a more remarkable ability to reach all users,
regardless of their circumstances (Beetz et al., 2012).
Recent studies show that people with ASD tend to feel comfortable interacting
with social robots due to their low emotional stimulation (Huijnen, Lexis,
Jansens & de Witte, 2016; Kumazaki, Warren, Swanson, Yoshikawa,
Matsumoto, Ishiguro & Kikuchi, 2018).
Interacting with robots can be particularly enriching for a child with autism
spectrum disorder, as it can overcome the barriers experienced in face-to-face
interaction with other people. However, there is always a person behind the
robot who must design the objective of the intervention and all the appropriate
didactic sequence to achieve it (Hashim and Yussof 2017; Huijnen et al., 2016).
Aims of the current study
The purpose of this study is to provide a systematic review of the scientific
literature about using robotics as tools in educational intervention with people
with ASD in order to fulfill the following goals:
Determine the number of articles that have been published in ERIC,
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
WOS, and Scopus databases
Identify which is the scientific field where research is being done on this
Determine the impact factor of the articles that tackle this topic
Analyze the chronological evolution of this topic in the current scientific
Identify the main objectives to be developed through robotics
Determine if the objectives proposed are fulfilled
Describe the scenario where the interventions have been made
Establish the participant number on the interventions
Identify the duration of the intervention
Detect the main robot models used and their characteristics
This study aims to deepen the field of science that combines social robotics and
learning difficulties, specifically autism spectrum disorders, from an educational
perspective. The most relevant databases for research in the socio-educational
field were chosen; Web of Science (WOS), Scopus, and Education Resources
Information Center (ERIC).
The method chosen was a systematic review. Kitchenham Brereton, Budgen,
Turner, Bailey, & Linkman (2009) claim: "Researchers performing a systematic
review must make every effort to identify and report research that does not
support their preferred research hypothesis as well as identifying and reporting
research that supports it" (p.5).
The keywords chosen were autism and robotics. Using the thesaurus the
database provides us with, we could do more exhaustive research using the
following keywords; On the one hand, autism, Asperger syndrome, and
behavior disorders. On the other hand, social robotics, cybernetics, and
Considering that our focus and interest are on primary education and secondary
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
education, all other educational levels were excluded, leaving us with the final
figure of 28 studies in ERIC, ten studies in WOS, and seven studies in Scopus.
Figure 2. Visualization of the research process
The analysis started through the ERIC database because it references
education, continued with WOS and ended up with Scopus. As the work
progressed, we noticed that some articles were repeated in the three databases.
*These repeated articles were manually discarded. We are aware that the
number of articles found in this search will vary from when the article was
written until its publication date since socio-educational robotics is a field that is
now emerging.
In order to keep these articles organized, an index file was created (Díaz-
Posada, Varela-Londoño & Rodríguez-Burgos, 2017). The selected articles
were sorted according to the date, from the oldest to the newest. In addition, the
following data were also collected in the files; the name of the article, journal,
type of publication, country of publication, and name and surname of the
authors. Those files were encrypted with code names and added to other files
according to the items analyzed.
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
Firstly, the scientific field where the papers belong was analyzed. To do so, the
areas from which the authors of the selected articles came were taken into
account. Most of them show us the result of collaborative works, so they belong
to different fields simultaneously.
Figure 3. Scientific field
Engineering is the field from which more was researched on the educational
robotics subject (Figure 3), closely followed by education. Finally, something
less has been investigated from psychology and medicine.
Afterward, we will focus on the years in which these articles were published.
Figure 4. Publication year
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
The first article found in this search was published in 1968. Since then, there
have only been one or no publications per year, until we arrived in 2013, where
there is a prominent production peak (Figure 4). As of this moment, production
declines although it remains higher than in the previous period.
Figure 5
Hence objectives of the articles chosen were analyzed. They were classified
into three areas; Acquire knowledge, develop abilities and compare situations.
Watching Figure 5 gives us the feeling that it is commonly accepted that social
robotics can be used to improve different skills in people on the autism
Most of the works aims to develop the skills of the participant. Many of them
seek to gain knowledge in this area, and some aim to compare different
situations. Each area was individually analyzed.
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
Figure 6
Objective: Acquire knowlidge
Henceforth, we will focus on those articles that aim to gain knowledge (Figure 6).
The majority does it through understanding the cybernetic systems and
explaining how they work. Some works aim to review the subject
bibliographically, and the rest aims to explain or publicize the working
methodology used.
Figure 7
Objevtive: Develop abilities
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
As Figure 7 shows, most of the works intended to increase the vocal production
of the participants in terms of skill development. In the second place, we find
those works aimed to increase the communicative skills of the participants, and
finally, we find those works aimed at developing joint-attention and social skills
to the same extent.
Figure 8
Objective: Comparison
The vast majority of comparative works base their comparison on the same
scenario; the same intervention is repeated with both a human and a robot
(Figure 8). Only one of the analyzed works compares the effectiveness of the
robot with a traditional toy.
Now we turn from the objectives to the conclusions of the articles analyzed.
Regarding the level of compliance with the objectives set, ten of the papers met
their objectives, six of the works claim not to have met their objectives, and two
of them show an intermediate level of compliance.
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
Table 1
Objectives met
Objectives met
Objectives not
Not educational
As seen in Table 1, 33,3% of the articles have undefined educational objectives.
Those who do not come from pedagogy have the object of studying the robot,
its design, and its operation. Therefore, after doing a couple of sessions with
children, the conclusions obtained throw no light on robotics as an effective tool
to work with people on the spectrum of autism. In this section, we want to clarify
that we refer to those articles that do not have any goal regarding the students
as not educational objectives.
On the one hand, among the works that claimed to meet their objectives, six
articles aimed to communicate with the robot. Two of them intended to improve
the students' vocal production, and two others made comparisons of two similar
situations. In one of them, students interacted with the robot, and in the other,
students interacted with a person.
On the other hand, we have articles that did not meet their objectives. Four of
these works compared two similar situations. In one, the student interacted with
the robot, whereas in the other one, the student interacted with a human.
Another one of the articles that did not meet their objectives tried to increase the
students' vocal production through a robot. The last of the articles aimed to
compare students' behavior after performing an intervention of a few sessions.
However, when comparing these results with the control group, which did not
participate in the intervention, no conclusive differences were found.
To conclude with this section, we will mention two articles that achieved
objectives and unachieved objectives. The first of these aimed to reduce the
anxiety of the participants and improve their social skills. After finishing the
intervention, it was observed that although students did reduce their anxiety,
there was no significant improvement in social skills.
Finally, we found an article that the authors present as unfavorable, although it
could be considered differently. This work aimed to ensure that students imitate
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
the robot better than a person. It was carried out with a group of people on the
autism spectrum and neurotypical people. Interestingly, people on the spectrum
imitated the robot better, while neurotypical students imitated the person better.
Next, the works in which socio-educational interventions were carried out were
analyzed. Specifically, we focused on whether these interventions were carried
out in the participants' natural environment or occurred in an artificial
Figure 9
As we can see in Figure 9, most of the interventions were carried out in artificial
environments, such as; a research center or an isolated room inside a school.
Few were made on natural scenarios to the participants, as their school,
ordinary classroom, or even their own homes.
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
Figure 10
Participant number
Figure 10 shows that more than half of the interventions analyzed were carried
out with less than ten participants, and one-third of the studies analyzed were
put through with less than five participants in them.
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
Figure 11
Inclusion criteria
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
All the articles were analyzed to explain selecting the participants and the
sample of participants in detail. However, only six articles mention the selection
criteria used: they were based on choosing the intervention participants.
In Figure 11, we can see the inclusion criteria that these researchers used when
choosing participants for their interventions. As shown in the image, the
condition to participate in the most repeated interventions is to have a minimum
intelligence quotient.
The second most repeated criterion is very close to the first and is the vocal
production; Some researchers require their participants a minimum of spoken
production capacity to participate in their project.
The third most repeated request is the age of the participants. All studies ask for
participants between the ages of four years and 13 years. We conclude from
this that the literature focuses on students who are in the primary school stage.
Fourth, we have another criterion that refers to the skills of the potential
participants. Some researchers ask students who will participate in their
interventions not to have any visual or hearing disability, nor should they have
any psychiatric disorder. We should remember that we are analyzing those
works that do include the selection criteria. Since most of the articles analyzed
in this meta-analysis do not mention any criteria, we can find students with
Down syndrome or generalized developmental disorder.
We start now with those criteria that are mentioned once. The first one says that
the selected participants should not be participating simultaneously in another
intervention. Another one of the selection criteria says that the participating
students should show a lack of social initiation.
Continuing with the skills required of the participants, one of the studies requires
its potential participants to have the ability to recognize emotions and facial
expressions. We have left for the end the selection criteria that have seemed
most relevant to us, and that is inclusion in schools. One of the articles
stipulates that participant must attend school and must be included in the
scholar system.
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
Figure 12
Intervention duration
The next item analyzed was the duration of the interventions. 59,7% of the
interventions examined lasted less than one month, 27.3% lasted between one
and three months. Finally, a single work carried out an intervention beyond
three months (Figure 12).
In the next section, the methodologies used in the reviewed research will be
analyzed. As we can see, most of the interventions have used video recordings
to collect their data. Out of 23 articles that have used the video recording
methodology, 21 have defined their indicators of success and have analyzed
the recordings quantitatively, adding numerical values to each segment of the
video, according to the number of indicators met. However, two of these 23
articles have analyzed the videos quantitatively but using pre-existing research
applications to do so.
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
Figure 13
Research methodology
Following the numerical order, in second place, we find the theoretical works,
three of which are intervention proposals. Five are reviews of previously carried
out interventions, making a total amount of eight papers. In third place are the
investigations that have used scales to measure their results. They used pre-
existing scales, three used the test system, and three used the pre-test and
post-test system.
Finally, we find the least used data collection methodologies in this field: the
focus group and the interview. A Focus group was used in two investigations to
collect opinions and perceptions of the participants. The interview was used in a
single intervention, along with a scale, for the same purpose.
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
Figure 14
Robot models
As we can see in Figure 14, the most used robot among the analyzed works
was Nao, closely followed by Popchilla, Kaspar, and Probo. All the works
carried out to explain the characteristics of the robot that they chose to carry out
the intervention. However, only four of them justify this choice.
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
Figure 15
Robot model justification
As we can observe in Figure 15, the characteristics that make researchers
choose a robot model or another are mostly programmability, accessibility, the
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
humanoid form, or the shape of a stuffed toy. Depending on the objectives of
the intervention, one or the other form was chosen.
We can arrange the difficulties that a person in the spectrum of autism lives in
three major categories; Difficulties of social interaction, communication
difficulties, and difficulties of activity and interest (Taylor, 2015; Javed & Park,
2019). Of these three blocks, we can see that the literature focuses more on
working on the first two.
However, it is known that working on pivotal skills like joint attention, other areas
such as communicative language or empathy improve as well (Charron & Craig
2017). It seems logical to think that if individuals feel more comfortable in their
social environment, they will feel less anxiety. Their communicative language
will improve as well as their vocal production. They will be more inclined to
communicate with the people around them.
Nevertheless, most of the works carried out were aimed to improve vocal
production, that is, getting the child to say more words by using a robot.
Although vocal production is essential, it is even more critical to work joint
attention and social skills with people on the spectrum of autism (Hujinen, Lexis,
Jansens & de Witte, 2017), which, as a curiosity, make up the less researched
objectives in this area.
The individual with ASD condition likes things to stay the same, with no changes.
Often, the person with ASD has difficulty moving from one thing to another
(Jung, Lee, Cherniak & Cho, 2019). In the case of children, this is shown as
stress when a transition is necessary (Taylor, 2017). Considering this, we can
expect that bringing the child to an experimental room where he/she has not
been before, his/her behavior will not be the same as it usually is.
It will take a while for them to accustom to this new situation. We will have to
establish a routine where we carry out the same sessions simultaneously for a
while so that the results are conclusive. Moreover, the goal of a robot should be
to provide educational support in the classroom, never to replace the teacher
(Warren, Zheng, Swanson, Bekele, Zhang, Crittendon & Sarkar, 2015).
Despite this information, the vast majority of the researches have not taken
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
place in the natural environment of the kids (home, school), but they were
carried out in experimental rooms. In addition, in many cases, they made less
than five sessions total, so we consider that the results shown by these
experiments are inconclusive.
In the fifth edition of its diagnosis and statistical manual of mental disorders, the
American Psychiatric Association calls the condition so far known as ASD, more
precisely, disorders of the autism spectrum (American Psychiatric Association,
2013). To be accurate, we could not even talk about disorder, and we would talk
about people within the spectrum of autism.
We call it that because it is an extensive range, where each person is different
from the rest, they have their strengths and weaknesses (Silva et al., 2011). We
say that someone is within this spectrum when it picks up some common
characteristics such as those mentioned up to now. For all this, we consider that
an investigation with less than 5 participants in it cannot be considered
transferable to other environments, nor can generalizable conclusions be drawn
from it.
Finally, we were surprised that only one of the articles analyzed mentioned
selection criteria to recruit participants. The children selected must be attending
school and receive a formal education (Kim et al., 2013). As educators, we
believe in educational inclusion and the importance of each student's space in
the classroom.
The total number of articles found in the three databases on educational
robotics with people with disorders in the autism spectrum has been 39. As this
is a current and booming issue, we expected to find many more but were not so.
This literature sprout could be because we sought primary education and
secondary education among the keywords and robotics since we wanted to see
how robotics was being used in schools.
Regarding the scientific field from which the analyzed interventions were carried
out, we can see that, firstly, most of the selected studies have been carried out
from engineering. Secondly, we found the studies carried out by professionals in
education, as educators or special education teachers. Finally, a minority
percentage of the selected articles were made from psychology and medicine.
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
We can see then that it is in engineering and education where there is greater
interest in this subject.
Regarding the impact factor, we must say that, on the one hand, only slightly
more than half of the articles analyzed have an impact factor on Journal Citation
Report. On the other hand, each journal belongs to a different scientific area,
with its criteria when measuring impact. Taking into account both factors, we will
not venture to conclude this point.
Chronologically speaking, we can observe a very high production peak in 2013.
Since then, it dropped a bit, but a constant production was maintained. It seems
to be a new topic, which is unknown about much, but the scientific community
In terms of objectives, the majority of the analyzed articles aimed to increase
the vocal production of the participants, followed closely by those articles that
aimed to improve the communicative skills of the participants. Considering that
communicating with their environment is one of the most significant difficulties
people with autism face in their daily lives, looking for these capabilities seems
On the one hand, it seems that the use of robotics in people on the spectrum of
autism is a subject that arouses interest in the scientific community since there
are many works whose objective is to delve into existing knowledge. On the
other hand, there are also many works whose objective focuses on the robot;
this means that the child is not the protagonist but a way to test the robot.
Finally, we see the same amount of work that explains a work methodology or
an intervention. As educators, we think that the representation of research
projects with educational purposes is shallow.
Regarding the level of fulfillment of these objectives, most articles claimed to
have fulfilled their purpose. This majority is just over half, though, which leaves
us almost half of the articles analyzed, which could not meet the objectives set
on their interventions.
Next, we will put our attention on the scenario where the selected interventions
were put through. Almost all of the interventions were carried out in a fictitious
scenario, created for the intervention, not in the participant's natural scenario,
such as students' classroom or even students' own home. This scenario
Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Publicación en línea (Semestral) Granada (España) Época II Vol. 21 (1) Enero-Junio de 2021 ISSN: 1695-324X
election does not seem appropriate since people with autism suffer when
changes and uncertain situations happen while they feel comfortable within tight
spaces and routines.
Almost half of the studies carried out were accomplished with less than ten
participants. In addition, almost all of the selected works lasted less than a
month. We believe that more accurate data would be obtained by performing a
more extensive intervention and more participants. In addition, the inclusion
criteria used when choosing the participants of the intervention are not
substantiated. Some articles mention some required characteristics when
choosing their participants, such as age or intellectual quotient. However, there
is no justification for why these attributes make these participants more
appropriate for such interventions.
Let us look at the criteria used to choose the subjects of the interventions. We
can see that a part of the scientific community considers robots more
appropriate or beneficial in people on the spectrum of autism but require less
Finally, we will focus on the robot model used in the selected interventions. The
most used robot is Nao, followed by Popchilla, Kaspar, and Probo. Except for
Nao, which was created by the French company Alderaban, the rest of the
robots were created by research teams from different universities. We can
conclude that there is no agreement on the scientific community on the
characteristics that make a robot better than the others to work with people on
the spectrum of autism.
Although robotics is not a recent issue, its application in the field of education is.
We live in the boom of social and educational robotics right now; it is time to join
forces and investigate where this path leads us.
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