Cuadernos de Rusística Española <p><strong>Cuadernos de Rusística</strong> se presenta como una publicación académica de alcance global, con un enfoque riguroso en los campos de la lengua, la literatura y la cultura rusas. Dirigida a un público diverso que abarca desde especialistas altamente capacitados hasta estudiantes e interesados en estas áreas de estudio, la revista ofrece una plataforma para la difusión de investigaciones de vanguardia, análisis críticos y reflexiones sobre los aspectos lingüísticos, literarios y culturales relacionados con Rusia. A través de su contenido, la revista fomenta el diálogo y la colaboración internacional, contribuyendo así al enriquecimiento y la comprensión de la rica herencia cultural rusa en un contexto global.</p> es-ES (Rafael Guzmán Tirado) (cre) Sun, 29 Dec 2024 05:34:21 +0000 OJS 60 Presentación Cuadernos de Rusística Española Derechos de autor 2024 Cuadernos de Rusística Española Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 “Lazarillo de Tormes” y su traducción al ruso del siglo XVIII <p>The article is devoted to the first published translation into Russian of the Spanish picaresque novel "The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes: His Fortunes and Adversities", authored by the serf writer V.G. Voroblevsky (1730-1797). The conducted historical-comparative, book-study and linguistic analysis of the texts of the Spanish original, the French mediator text and the Russian translation allows the author of the article to identify the year of the first publication of the translation in Russia (1777). The original source of the translation was also established - the Brussels edition of 1698. The version about the existence of a 1792 publication under the title “Terpigorev...” is examined separately. Linguistic analysis of the translation by V.G. Voroblevsky makes it possible to identify a whole series of structural, semantic and stylistic entities that characterize him as the most important milestone in the history of Russian-Spanish literary relations of the 18th century.</p> Eugenia R. Pomirchaia Derechos de autor 2024 Cuadernos de Rusística Española Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Myth of Daedalus and Icarus in the Russian Poetry of the XIX-XXI Centuries: Stages and Ways of Plot Development <p>The article examines the history of the myth of Daedalus and Icarus in Russian poetry of the XIX-XXI centuries in the context of a changing socio-cultural, aesthetic and literary situation; identifies ways to develop and directions of value transformation of the myth. To this end, the initial plot–forming motives of the myth are revealed – the motive of heroic resistance to the gods and the motive of overcoming the limitations of human nature; the conflictogenic situation of the ancient myth is characterized - the situation of violation of prohibitions; The question is raised that the syncretism of myth, in which the abstract and the concrete are inextricably fused, makes its symbolic interpretation possible; the main semantic oppositions (man/personality – world/society) and the directions of myth development in European literature and art of the rhetorical era are outlined. The main part of the article it is shown that in Russian poetry, for two centuries, the plot of the ancient myth has been going through several stages of development: from the assimilation of myth as a common word of culture (Pushkin) through the actualization of the symbolic content of images and psychological reflection (Fet, Nadson), then the development of the associative field of the symbol and correlation with reality as a universal code (S. Kissin, Sasha Cherny, V. Bryusov) and the creation of an individually creative myth (Nabokov, Pasternak) for demythologization (Sapgir, Antokolsky, Sosnora, Avaliani, Brodsky, Kushner) towards the destruction of the myth (Levchenko, Strongovsky, Feldman). It is revealed that the functioning of the myth reflects the value transformations of Russian society: the stage of heroization and idealization of the act of Daedalus and Icarus is replaced by an ironic decline in images, the emptying of their semantics.</p> Tatiana Ye. Avtukhovich Derechos de autor 2024 Cuadernos de Rusística Española Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Análisis de los personajes de la novela de F.M. Dostoievski “El idiota” a partir de la clasificación de tipos psicológicos de Jung <p>El artículo está dedicado al análisis de los personajes de la novela de Dostoievski "El idiota" y los considera a base de la tipología de Jung. Se exponen los principios de la clasificación yunguiana de los tipos psicológicos, basada en las funciones mentales dominantes, auxiliares y suprimidas. Muchos misterios de la novela se hacen comprensibles al considerar las relaciones de los personajes como complementariedad de las funciones psíquicas. El analizar sus actitudes conscientes e inconscientes nos permite considerar la trama de la novela bajo una nueva luz. Los personajes femeninos de Dostoievski son proyecciones del Anima, es decir, el lado femenino del alma de todo hombre. Las acciones destructivas de los personajes femeninos (Nastasia Filippovna y Aglaia) reflejan no sólo la desconfianza inconsciente del escritor hacia lo femenino, sino también la percepción de la realidad moderna como una situación de enemistad, desunión de los individuos y caída del Anima, es decir, del alma del mundo, Sofía. El trágico final de la narración es la victoria (aunque temporal) de las fuerzas irracionales, encarnadas en el aspecto oscuro de Anima, sobre la razón y la bondad. Refleja la filosofía de Dostoevski, con su sueño sobre la hermandad humana y la trágica comprensión de su imposibilidad en el mundo contemporáneo. </p> Marina S. Broitman, Nika N. Pryakhina Derechos de autor 2024 Cuadernos de Rusística Española Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 “Eugene Onegin” in Latvian Translations <p>The article focuses on the translations of Eugene Onegin into Latvian. There are altogether three complete translations of this novel in verse: firstly, the free translation made by a writer and provincial educator from Ventspils Herbert Dorbe in 1926; secondly, the 1948 translation by men of letters and translators Janis Plaudis and Andrejs Šmidre; and thirdly, the most recent translation by a poetess Mirdza Bendrupe published in 1968. The given article discusses the history as well as the cultural and historical context of these translations and refers to existing literary criticism on translations of Pushkin's works. Each of the existing translations has significant flaws: the first is very loose, the second artificial and stylistically cumbersome, the third too literal, with colloquial and casual language elements. Particular attention is paid to the first translation of the novel as the translation that has not been thoroughly researched and is overlooked today. The analysis of the selected excerpts of Dorbe's translation reveals the interpretation of the original text dominated by the pursuit of concretisation and transformation of the translated text in favour of a national and religious picture of the world. Such a choice of translation type is purely pragmatic and is driven by the intention of the translator to transform the text of classical Russian literature for pedagogical and didactic purposes, as moral material for the study of spiritual, moral, and ethical values.</p> Iveta Narodovska, Jeļena Kozinda Derechos de autor 2024 Cuadernos de Rusística Española Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Recrear el ritmo del octosílabo español: dos experimentos rusos en las décadas de 1930 y 1940 <p>El artículo presenta un análisis rítmico de algunas traducciones experimentales al ruso que imitan la estructura del verso octosílabo español. Se centra en los romances anónimos cidianos, interpretados por el eminente medievalista ruso Borís Yarjó y publicados en 1938, así como en los romances del <em>Romancero gitano</em> de Federico García Lorca, en la versión del olvidado poeta ruso Konstantín Gúsev y publicados entre 1941 y 1946. Aunque ambos traductores trabajaron de manera independiente, comparten un enfoque común, ya que buscan encontrar equivalentes formales para transmitir el ritmo del verso silábico español utilizando los recursos de la versificación rusa.<br />En este análisis, se examinan las características formales de las traducciones de Yarjó y Gúsev, como el cómputo silábico del verso y los patrones acentuales, en comparación con los textos originales y otras traducciones. La técnica de traducción empleada por Yarjó y Gúsev se basa en el principio de la copia rítmica: ambos traductores se esfuerzan por transmitir los rasgos acentuales y silábicos de los originales españoles de la forma más exacta posible, buscando crear en ruso una impresión acústica similar. Este enfoque se lleva a cabo incluso a nivel de cada verso: los traductores, especialmente Gúsev, se esmeran en garantizar que la recitación de los originales españoles corresponda a la de sus traducciones rusas.</p> Vera S. Polilova Derechos de autor 2024 Cuadernos de Rusística Española Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 La retraducción poética desde una perspectiva bibliométrica: Federico García Lorca in Russia (1936-1969) <p>El artículo aborda la retraducción poética a través de un estudio de caso específico: la historia de las traducciones de Federico García Lorca al ruso entre 1936 y 1969. La investigación, que se apoya en el análisis bibliométrico, persigue tres objetivos: examinar la historia de las traducciones de García Lorca en la Unión Soviética durante el período señalado, establecer una metodología para futuras investigaciones sobre poesía traducida, y contribuir al entendimiento teórico de la retraducción poética como fenómeno general. El marco teórico combina los enfoques de los retranslation studies, que destacan los factores socioculturales en el proceso de retraducción, y el concepto de pluralidad de traducciones, de Yu. Levin, que considera las características formales del texto poético original como catalizadores de nuevas traducciones. El análisis bibliométrico revela dos etapas principales en la recepción de Lorca (1939-1946 y 1956 en adelante), separadas por una brecha, con una notable intensificación de publicaciones en los años sesenta. Se estudia la formación del canon lorquiano en Rusia a través del análisis de las traducciones más republicadas y los textos traducidos más veces. Asimismo, el artículo aborda cuestiones como la sustitución de traducciones previas mediante retraducciones, la valorización del original a través de la retraducción y la influencia del prestigio del traductor en la recepción de la obra traducida.</p> Anastasia S. Belousova, Boris V. Orekhov Derechos de autor 2024 Cuadernos de Rusística Española Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Comparative Analysis of Public Perception of Feminine Forms Denoting Professions in Russia and Spain <p>The article is dedicated to a comparative analysis of the perception and use of feminized forms by society in Russia and Spain. The author claims that the process of incorporating this linguistic phenomenon directly depends on the society and culture of each country. While both languages provide tools for modifying existing words or creating new ones, this does not guarantee their effective usage. The study focuses on survey results regarding the use of 20 feminine forms in Russian and 20 words in Spanish, involving 105 Russian-speaking and 105 Spanish-speaking participants. As a result, it is established that the Russian language and the Spanish language possess different mechanisms for the formation of feminine gender-specific job titles. The Russian language has a greater number of morphological resources capable of participating in the word formation of this lexical category compared to Spanish. The most effective methods are affixation, which has a wide range of word-forming suffixes, substantiation, and word compounding. In Spanish, the most productive method is the replacement of masculine endings with feminine endings. Despite the morphological limitations, Spanish society integrates this lexicon more swiftly into official discourse and promotes its usage at the national level through the distribution of special literature in public organizations, which is obligatory. In contrast, in Russia, despite progress in this area, the population remains more conservative, continuing to use masculine forms as gender-neutral.</p> Valeriia V. Belevtseva Derechos de autor 2024 Cuadernos de Rusística Española Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Functioning of the Russian language in Yakutsk: Ethnosociopsycholinguistic Dimension <p>Along with the sociolinguistic study of the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation, the study of the ethnolinguistic well-being of the ethnic community of Russians, the Russian-speaking population in the regions is an obligatory stage in the study of the language situation from the point of view of identifying the characteristics of national-linguistic relations and representing the linguistic consciousness of native speakers in a single communicative space, identifying positive and negative factors in development of interethnic relations.<br />The article proposes the first stage of development of an interdisciplinary integrated methodology for studying the language situation in conditions of linguistic heterogeneity with two dominant languages in the status of state languages, as well as native speakers of the Russian language in order to establish their ethnolinguistic well-being, which is established by determining dynamic changes in demographic, linguistic and demographic parameters, social functions , language preferences and attitudes in the context of general sociocultural processes in the region. The triangulation method, combining quantitative (mass sociolinguistic surveys) and qualitative (expert and autobiographical interviews, directed associative experiment (hereinafter – NAE), expands the possibilities of representative methods, while the results of NAE can be extrapolated to the field of research of linguistic competence, ethno-linguistic identity and national-linguistic relations. Together with other sociolinguistic correlations, the method has shown the expediency of its use in the development of scenarios of a linguistic situation, linguistic forecasting.Based on the final results of the study, the problems of the language situation will be understood, the results of the project will be used in the development of educational, ethnocultural programs, training seminars for specialists involved in language policy, national policy under the Federal Agency for Peoples' Affairs of the Russian Federation (FADN), etc.</p> Nina I. Ivanova Derechos de autor 2024 Cuadernos de Rusística Española Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 30 Años de Filología Eslava en la Universidad de Granada: Contribucíon del Grupo de Investigación "Eslavística, Caucasología y Tipología Lingüística" (HUM: 827) a su Desarrollo <p>La evolución de la enseñanza y difusión de las lenguas eslavas, en general, y de la lengua rusa, en particular, en España es un largo y complejo proceso histórico, moldeado y modulado por factores geográficos, históricos y políticos. A diferencia de lo que ocurrió en países vecinos como Alemania, Francia, Inglaterra o Italia, que cuentan desde hace siglos con una larga tradición de vínculos culturales con Rusia y con el resto de países eslavos, así como de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las lenguas eslavas, los contactos culturales y de todo tipo entre España y estos países comenzaron a desarrollarse tan solo en los años 50-60 del s. XX, lo que también influyó, como veremos en el presente artículo, en el interés por el estudio de las lenguas eslavas. <br />En este año, 2024, se cumplen 30 años de la implantación de la titulación de Filología Eslava en la Universidad de Granada y 20 de la creación de la revista especializada <em>Cuadernos de Rusística Española</em>.<br />En el presente trabajo se recogen algunos de los primeros pasos de la eslavística en la Universidad de Granada y parte de la contribución del Grupo de Investigación “Eslavística, Caucasología y Tipología Lingüística” (HUM-827) y de sus miembros a su desarrollo a lo largo de estos 30 años, como uno de sus principales impulsores.</p> Rafael Guzmán Tirado Derechos de autor 2024 Cuadernos de Rusística Española Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Derivational and Semantic Space “Bell Ringing” in the Russian Language: Linguistic and Cultural Aspect <p>The article examines the ethnocultural content of derived words formed on the basis of the verbs to ring / ring, the totality of which makes up the derivational and semantic space "bell ringing". This vocabulary represents a special, socio-cultural layer of the language, directly related to the religious beliefs of the Russian ethnic group and its history. The purpose of the work is to identify and describe the facts of modification and transformation of the national cultural component in the lexical meaning of derived nominative units. The study used descriptive and linguocultural methods, techniques of prospective and retrospective word-formation analysis, as well as methods of onomasiological and ethnolinguistic description of derivative vocabulary. The innovation of the work is determined by a dynamic approach to the analysis of linguistic objects, which is aimed at bridging the gap between synchronic and diachronic word formation. It allows you to penetrate deeper into the processes of the evolution of word-formation and lexical semantics, as a result of which the systematization of linguistic units receives a qualitatively new level of generalization. The linguistic and cultural aspect of the study made it possible to identify the idioethnic nature of a concept, ways to actualize it through word-formation labeling and further semantic development. It is established that certain conceptual structures of the semantic sphere under study (names of abstract concepts, artifacts, agents and feminitives) are semantically modified in the process of language development, reflecting the process of filling the form of the same linguistic sign with more complex content. This emphasizes their role and importance in the cultural and value orientation of native speakers of the Russian language. The results of the analysis indicate the interaction of linguistic and extra-linguistic information in a word, give an idea of the ways of expressing universal and ethno-cultural meanings, about the specifics of the organization of derived words within one semantic space.</p> Venera G. Fatkhutdinova Derechos de autor 2024 Cuadernos de Rusística Española Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Promesa de matrimonio como parte del espacio nacional linguocultural (en el ejemplo de los discursos jurídico, mediático y literario de habla rusa e hispana) <p>El artículo aborda el ritual de la promesa de matrimonio y las consecuencias de su disolución en el contexto de los discursos jurídico, mediático y literario. Los autores establecen la definición de los conceptos a base de los diccionarios de la Real Academia y determinan las características del uso de una serie de términos relacionados con el compromiso y la promesa de matrimonio en un entorno cultural y lingüístico de habla rusa e hispana. Se lleva a cabo una revisión de la regulación normativa de la promesa de matrimonio en el derecho romano, en el derecho de Rusia, España y algunos países de América Latina, con el objetivo de identificar la peculiaridad nacional-cultural de este ritual y establecer las consecuencias de su incumplimiento. Los autores analizan la promesa de matrimonio en el discurso jurídico desde los postulados de la teoría de los actos de habla y confirman la hipótesis de que en el discurso jurídico los actos de habla realizados a la hora de proponer matrimonio se efectúan como performativos en aquellos países donde el compromiso tiene consecuencias jurídicas. Los autores ilustran el significado moral y ético de la promesa matrimonio y su incumplimiento con el ejemplo de las obras literarias.</p> Marina V. Larionova, Aleksandra D. Fokina Derechos de autor 2024 Cuadernos de Rusística Española Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Verb "Dyšat’" in Modern Russian: Some Remarks <p>This article will deal with the verb <em>dyšat</em>’ in modern Russian. My aim is to describe the combinability of this lexeme. For example, <em>dyšat</em>’ can have one or two arguments, and can also be used with different types of adverbs. If there is only one argument – the subject – it refers to the process of breathing itself. The use of adverbs makes it possible to evaluate breathing in relation to a norm (<em>tjaželo</em>, <em>nerovno</em>). In the presence of two arguments, the second argument often refers to a part of the body (<em>grud’</em>, <em>rot</em>, etc.) and is used with a preposition. In both cases, the semantic nature of the arguments will be analysed in detail. Finally, I consider the idiomatic expressions (<em>dyšat’ pol’noj grud’ju</em>), as well as the metaphorical uses of the verb breathe (<em>zdes’ vsë dyšit pokoem</em>). The article is part of a study carried out at the Centre de Linguistique en Sorbonne UR7332. The purpose is a detailed description of the lexicon of different languages. My basis is the theory of Zellig Harris (1976) and my examples and my statistics are from which explains the innovative dimension of this article.</p> Irina Thomières-Shakhovskaya Derechos de autor 2024 Cuadernos de Rusística Española Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 On the Principles of Compiling the “Thematic Dictionary of Arkhangelsk Colloquialisms” <p>The research group of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov is implementing the project "Thematic dictionary of Arkhangelsk dialects with electronic support", supported by the Russian Scientific Foundation. The aim of the project is the publication of three editions of the dictionary which will include vocabulary reflecting the traditional worldview of the Arkhangelsk peasant, and the creation of an electronic dialect corpus which will include materials recorded in dialectological expeditions in the Arkhangelsk region for sixty years and stored in the card file of the Department of Russian Language and Speech Culture. This article describes the construction of the first edition of the dictionary and the electronic dialect corpus. The first issue of the thematic dictionary and electronic corpus contains vocabulary naming clothes, shoes, hats, mittens, socks, stockings, jewelry. The vocabulary is divided into thematic subgroups, in each subgroup the words are arranged in alphabetical order. In the electronic dictionary ( markup is given for thematic groups and subgroups, for districts of the Arkhangelsk region, grammatical features. The dictionary contains forty names that are not marked in the Arkhangelsk Regional Dictionary. The thematic dictionary includes all the words that are recorded in expeditions, regardless of the time of collection, even if some words have already fallen out of use. Such material will help researchers and collectors not only in the field of dialectology, but also in the field of folklore, ethnography, cultural studies, as well as museum workers to study collections of folk costumes and folk singing groups to create stage costumes.</p> Larisa V. Nenasheva Derechos de autor 2024 Cuadernos de Rusística Española Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Russian Preposition Grammar: on the Variability of Position in the Syntaxeme <p>The aim of this study is to investigate positional patterns of the preposition in the syntaxeme with “paired” pronouns, in particular, to consider possibilities and reasons for pattern usage of Russian prepositions with the pronoun друг друга. The study is based on extensive factual material obtained by continuous sampling from the Russian National Corpus. The frequency of antepositional, interpositional, and postpositional patterns of prepositions in syntaxemes at different time periods has been estimated.<br />Along with the expected interpositional usage of non-derivative prepositions, instances of their antepositional usage and the reasons for their usage have been defined. An increase in such usage has been seen for the past 20 years.<br />It has been found that the functioning of derived prepositions with the pronoun друг друга is determined, first of all, by the degree of their “assimilation” in the language. The interposition of derivative prepositions is similar to non-derivative ones and shows the weakening of bonds with the notional derivative word. The pronoun друг друга, as well as the forms of third-person personal pronouns, serve as a kind of marker while adapting new forms of prepositions in the language. Multi-component prepositions have the ability to be used interpositionally, but this is rarely the case.</p> Aida F. Gainutdinova, Tatyana P. Troshkina, Natalia V. Gabdreeva Derechos de autor 2024 Cuadernos de Rusística Española Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Reinterpretation of the Numerals as a Part of Speech in the Aspect of V. V. Babajtseva’s Theory of Transitivity <p>This article proposes a variant of interpretation of the numerals as a part of speech, relevant for the practice of teaching RFL. The study uses the transitivity scale developed by V. V. Babajtseva as a result of her observation of transitional phenomena in the modern Russian language. Numerals are considered not only from the point of view of various linguistic doctrines, which gives a unique opportunity to trace the evolution of the concept of ‘numeral’ in the history of Russian linguistics, but also through the prism of the nuclear-peripheral structure, which allows us to see their semantic commonality and grammatical heterogeneity. The analysis has shown that the formation of numerals differs from other phenomena of historical transition within the framework of the theory of transitivity: words of different classes do not pass directly into the category existing in the system, which sets the model for transformation, but first form a kind of nucleus with a common grammatical criterion, which unites new members in further development and exerts a strong influence. Meanwhile, this process is accompanied by fluctuations in the principles of classification, which causes changes in the composition of numerals. Particular attention is paid to specific transitional phenomena within the category of definite-quantitative numerals: unification of simple counting words and subsequent formation of the nucleus of this part of speech; lexicalization of compound counting words and their loss of the category of number; consolidation of a smaller number of case forms in the paradigm; transformation of syntactic connection with nouns.</p> Yin Xu Derechos de autor 2024 Cuadernos de Rusística Española Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Contemporary Adaptive Language Models and the Challenges of Literary Translation (in F. Dostoyevsky’s Novel “The Brothers Karamazov”) <p>The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted in 2006, has highlighted the need to find ways of ensuring access to information and full communication for people who have difficulty reading and understanding “standard” literary texts. The authors of the convention highlight the use of specific languages and the development of new methods of presenting text and its formatting. Particular emphasis is placed on the availability of cultural information in appropriate formats. Indeed, this paves the way for a novel approach to language communication. The Convention has provided a catalyst for a new direction in linguistics, namely the comprehension and practical description of the communicative variant of a national language intended for certain groups of its speakers. Practical work has a long history and has undergone significant developments, whereas academic research is still in its infancy. Another parallel process is the general trend towards the need for simplified forms of language, caused by digitalization and the accelerated pace of life, which does not allow for extensive reading and in-depth understanding of texts. As a matter of fact, a revision of the criteria for linguistic norms in "standard" texts is currently being considered. However, it should be noted that the process does not only affect standard texts; the practice of translating complex cultural texts into more comprehensible forms is also on the rise. This encompasses both intralanguage transformations and interlingual translations. The objective of this paper is to elucidate the concepts of "plain" and "easy-to-read" languages, to examine the distinctive characteristics of their operational nuances, and to address the challenges associated with the translation of fictional texts into "easy-to-read language," with a particular focus on F.M. Dostoevsky's novel "The Brothers Karamazov", translated into Japanese.</p> Ekaterina A. Pokholkova, Iskra V. Kosmarskaia, Valentina V. Borisova Derechos de autor 2024 Cuadernos de Rusística Española Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Establishment of the State Category as an Independent Part of Speech in Modern Russian <p>The article is devoted to the study of formation and establishment of the latest and most ambiguous part of speech in Russian, that is, the category of state. This category is very important for the thinking of native speakers of the Russian language and represents an important part of the language code. Despite the fact that studies of statives have been conducted since the second half of the 20th century, the status of this part of speech and its structure are still uncertain. Not all dictionaries, for example, recognize the existence of state category as an independent part of speech. In dictionary articles for statives, they use the special designation "in function of predicate." However, some recent dictionaries distinguish the category of state as an autonomous part of speech. The study reveals that the state category expands due to the intercategorical transition of words from one part of speech to another. Many words function both as words belonging to the original part of speech and as words belonging to the category of state. However, in some cases, not only the words of the category displace the state of the original nouns and adverbs, as a result of which the use of nouns and adverbs begins to fade away, but even the utilization of the words of the original affiliation. At the end of the study, conclusions were made containing information on how the category of state becomes an independent part of speech and how it continues to replenish.</p> Irina M. Nekipelova, Svetlana M. Minasyan Derechos de autor 2024 Cuadernos de Rusística Española Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 From Varna to St. Petersburg: Vectors of Development of Modern Russian Studies <p>This article discusses the development directions of modern Russian studies over the past 15 years, outlined at the MAPRYAL congresses as the highest international scientific forum of Russianists. Based on scientific reports published following the congresses in Varna (2007), Shanghai (2011), Granada (2015), Nur-Sultan (2019) and St. Petersburg (2023), the vectors of development of modern Russian studies are traced. An extensive review of current scientific research in the field of state language policy, systemic and structural description of the modern Russian language in synchrony and diachrony, communication in Russian in an intercultural environment, comparative study of Russian and other languages in linguistic and methodological aspects is presented and the role and place of the Russian language in interstate communication is discussed. Attention is focused on issues of the Russian world, Russian mentality and Russian culture in the context of globalization. The most discussed issues of the science of translation as a means of interlingual and intercultural communication, as well as the problems of the symbolic nature of the space of Russian literature in terms of national identity are traced. Promising directions for the development of methods for teaching Russian language and literature in modern conditions are identified. The focus is on the current topics of round tables. The constant vectors of development of Russian studies in the last two decades of the 21st century are summarized.</p> Antonia Pencheva Derechos de autor 2024 Cuadernos de Rusística Española Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Sobre el problema de la transliteración de nombres y términos en ruso procedentes de otros sistemas gráficos <p>La transliteración científica del ruso, basada en el principio de la retransliteración automática como en el principio “isográfico-etimológico” permite al eslavista reconstruir la grafía cirílica original sin margen para el error o la ambigüedad. Sin embargo, como se demuestra en este trabajo, en lo referente al turco y al árabe, no es aplicable a topónimos y antropónimos de otras lenguas que aparecen en textos en ruso transcritos en letras cirílicas. Por esta razón, para retransliterar a letras latinas topónimos y antropónimos con nivel científico, conviene atenerse, en el caso del turco, a la grafía oficial latina de esta lengua, y, en el caso del árabe, a las normas universales establecidas por los arabistas ya desde mediados del siglo XIX. Además en este artículo se ofrece un modelo de transliteración científica del alifato árabe a letras cirílicas.</p> Salustio Alvarado Socastro Derechos de autor 2024 Cuadernos de Rusística Española Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000