contributions in relation to people with AC
in the ECE. stage, through the publication
of: Doctoral Thesis, Books, Book Chapters,
Academics Projects, Congress Publication,
Journal article, Patent document
(Gamonales, Muñoz-Jiménez et al., 2018).
Based on the inclusion of students
with AC, the answer was affirmative and
unanimous in all documents (n = 7). The
experts recommend the inclusion of the
student with AC in the ordinary classroom,
although integration is not mentioned.
These two concepts differ from each other
and today inclusion is not truly valued,
being the social integration of people in
their peer group and in society more
valued. For this reason, inclusion must be
the prior step to the total integration of
students with AC in the ECE classroom and
in daily life participation in general. To
achieve the full inclusion of students, there
must be collaborative work between
members of the educational community,
doctors, families, and students to improve
their quality of life and the care received by
the different professionals (Haga et al.,
2013). Therefore, inclusive methodological
strategies must advocate for equal
opportunities for students with disability
to develop the necessary skills and
attitudes to learn (Gamonales, 2016).
Regarding the Type of inclusive
activities, there are several common
aspects to most of the selected
manuscripts. On the one hand, experts
recommend renovating and adapting all
types of furniture for students with AC to
be accessible (Castiglia, 1996), and
adapted to the short stature of students
(Pfeiffer et al., 2022). On the other hand,
they mention the importance of
introducing low handrails on the stairs, as
well as providing a personal assistant for
the student with AC when conducting
motor activities (Haga et al., 2013). Finally,
Gollust et al. (2003) propose to carry out a
modification to allow equitable access to
public facilities. Also, inclusion in ordinary
school and equal employment
opportunities are aspects to highlight
(Shakespeare, 1988). In addition, activities
such as unsupported walking and adapted
sports and exercise plans are essential
(Haga et al., 2013; Vetere, 1988).
Therefore, it is essential to encourage
physical activity in this group (Pfeiffer et
al., 2022). However, Haga (2004) does not
mention any type of inclusive activity.
Consequently, it suggests that this group is
not as visible as it should be. For this
reason, it is recommended to increase the
number of investigations related to people
with AC in the ECE classroom. In addition,