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This paper presents an overview of recent initiatives around digital skills and literacies in UK higher education, highlighting the major projects of several national organisations, and the impact these have had on institutional programmes to improve digital skills and literacies. It examines the national technology enhanced learning initiatives Changing the Learning Landscape and Developing Digital Literacies, and considers the impact that both these schemes had on one project that resulted from them, the University of Brighton’s Digital Literacies Framework. It then explores the changes to this framework in the light of developments of other digital skills frameworks and initiatives, and considers the strengths and weaknesses of using frameworks as an approach to organising digital skills development.


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Cómo citar
Handley, F. J. (2018). Desarrollo de capacidades digitales en la educación superior del Reino Unido: Avances recientes y un estudio de caso del marco de alfabetización digital en la Universidad de Brighton. PUBLICACIONES, 48(1), 97–109.


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